Thursday, September 28, 2006

Spanish nationalist shot dead !

ASSASSINATED A CANDIDATE OF SPANIARDS UNDER THE SEPARATISM The EBS candidate, and militant of the Spanish Democratic Front of Badalona, Fabio Valladares Retamero, brutally has been assassinated in his house. He was buried under the colors of the Rojigualda that defendia. All the mass media, national as as much regional have silenced this fact. From the National Meeting of the Phalange we sent ours more felt condolence to relatives, friends and comrades. Rest peacefully.

ASESINADO UN CANDIDATO DE ESPAÑOLES BAJO EL SEPARATISMOEl candidato de EBS, y militante del Frente Democrático Español de Badalona, Fabio Valladares Retamero, ha sido brutalmente asesinado en su vivienda. Fue enterrado bajo los colores de la Rojigualda que defendia.Todos los medios de comunicación, tanto nacionales como regionales han silenciado este hecho.Desde la Junta Nacional de La Falange enviamos nuestro más sentido pésame a familiares, amigos y camaradas.Descanse en paz.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Requiescat in pace !

  This is sick,.... the reality of the Pakistani Grooming Gangs,.... Sentencing Remarks by the Judge dealing with the Oxford case; https://...