Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Carto Boots Kelso From American Free Press Conference In Bizarre Explosion,
Says Stormfront Is Being Run By CIA / Mossad

9/5/2006 12:02:50 PM -LSN

Willis Carto, publisher of the American Free Press and the Barnes Review, reportedly exploded on Stormfront webmaster Jamie Kelso at a recent American Free Press conference, saying Kelso was an "agent" and that Stormfront was being run by "the CIA" and "the Mossad" in a bizarre explosion of anger, witnesses report.Kelso reportedly left the conference in tears and told several conference participants he was considering leaving the movement after the "betrayal" by Carto, who has backed Kelso and Stormfront through much of its existence.

The move was unusual because of the close relationship between Willis Carto and David Duke -- Duke being a major backer and supporter of Don Black, who owns Stormfront.

Recently, Kelso, who uses the name "Charles A Lindbergh" on the Stormfront website, has been accused of misappropriating Stormfront donations.

White activist Bob Whitaker has posted a partial and rather confused description of the fight on his


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don Black an ex US navy SEAL, was involved in a CIA dirty ops invasion of Dominica. Unforunately it went wrong, but Black only got a short prison sentence when he could have received the Death Penalty quite easily.

  A new book about Jonathan Bowden has been published.