Sunday, September 17, 2006

So this is what happens to old greyhounds ?

Pet home 'a conveyor belt of killing'

AT FIRST glance the white-washed single-storey building could pass for a holiday chalet.

Tucked away among Leigh Animal Sanctuary’s complex of kennels, the bland exterior of “Block 8” gives nothing away.

But anyone venturing inside encounters a sinister scene: a stuffy boxroom in which thousands of dogs have allegedly met their deaths.

“It stinks of dead dogs in there,” said Jane, a former staff member who worked at the site in Greater Manchester for years.

“It is a sickening smell.”

The dominant features of the white-walled and red-floored room are two industrial-sized freezers.

They are the last stop on what former staff and greyhound trainers say is a conveyor belt of killing, starting with dogs being delivered at the sanctuary’s front desk on an almost daily basis; leading to lethal drugs fired directly into their chests; and ending with the bodies dumped in the freezers.

Ostensibly the sanctuary, which has been open since 1975 to rehome unwanted animals, is offering succour to dogs found wandering the streets by council dog wardens or brought in by owners who no longer feel able to look after their pets.

But the reality behind the facade is that, according to the testimony of former staff members, about half of all the dogs entering will be killed, often within days or even hours.,,2087-2361675,00.html

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mass demo at animal sanctuary

ANIMAL welfare groups held a mass demonstration at the gates of Leigh Animal Sanctuary following revelations that healthy animals are put down there rather than be re-homed.

More than 150 animal lovers attended the peaceful protest on Saturday (September 23), lining the roadside with placards bearing messages such as 'Stop the killing'.

Dozens of passing motorists tooted their horns in support.

  A new book about Jonathan Bowden has been published.