Thursday, September 07, 2006

ITV 1 - tonight - MURDER IN QUESTION 11 PM

A programme about Stefan Kisko and the murder of 11 year old Lesley Molseed in Rochdale in 1975.

This programme is a damning account of the way the Police operate.

There is no way we could bring back Capital punishment if we have corrupt/lying/incompetent police officers .

West Yorkshire Police refused to make any comment about this programme.


Anonymous said...

I know nothing of this case but yes how can we restore capital punishment with the present corrupt police we have in this country .

NorthWestNationalists said...

Stefan Kisko served 16 years in jail for a murder he could not have committed. Many Police and Doctors KNEW he was innocent. At least one writer thinks the YORKSHIRE RIPPER /Peter Sutcliffe, was the guilty man.

Anonymous said...

If you want to learn about corrupt police,then have a look at Clubland content on my website

Anonymous said...

They changed the programme just before the broadcast. They will put it back on again surely ?

Did anyone tape it ?

  A new book about Jonathan Bowden has been published.