Friday, May 20, 2011

Nick Griffin and new BNP members?

Nick Griffin at home with some new BNP members ?

Further comment is superfluous.This pic is obviously to show his 'paymasters' what he has done to British nationalism and the BNP. It is going to raise even more anger against traitor Griffin.Even if Griffin was a complete idiot, he would get 50% of his actions right. But he never does anything right any of the time !

His supporters seem to have disappeared from public sight like the winter snows. We wonder what his USA supporter and STORMFRONT owner Don Black has to say now?

Certainly his 'dirty tricks group' that comprised of Dave Howard,Tommy Williams and John 'Jock' Shearer amongst others, seem to have fled the Country.


Anonymous said...

There making a new series of the 70s sitcom Mind your language which is being filmed in Enfield and Griffarge is playing Mr Brown.

Anonymous said...

Griffin says to his new recruits " Right chaps theres £10 for delivering 500 leaflets"

As soon as Griffins back is turned the bin outside KFC is suddenly full and the queue inside is full of DA new BNP activists.

EFPStoke said...

What a bloody sellout.

Anonymous said...

That tall fair haired one with the grimace on his face standing behind Griffenstein is saying-"poooohhhh,facking hell! Griffensteins just farted and it smells like Bagels and turds!"

Inspector Blakey
"get that bus out Griffin!"

Anonymous said...


Fly On The Wall

Anonymous said...

Dave Howard is now infiltrating the EDL after helping screw up the BNP.

Anonymous said...

gri££in the nigger lover. what do all the griffinites think of him now?

Anonymous said...

gri££in the nigger lover. what do all the griffinites think of him now?
they would still suck his cock given half the chance.

Anonymous said...

The kid holding a paper and standing next to Lord jewboy Janner's brother one-eyed kike is gonna have a seriously sore arse if he ain't careful - and won't be able to ride the bike Gri££in has given him - allegedly.

Fly On The Wall

Anonymous said...

Dave Howard is now infiltrating the EDL after helping screw up the BNP.

Wondered what happened to the bandy legged walking potato wheres his mate Tommy cast iron foot ? The lanes of Sheffield seem quiet without him since the price of club foots shot through the roof.

Rufus T Firefly said...

Now even stupid Griffinite Derek Adams from Manchester has left the BNP.

I suppose even the thickest must know sometimes when they have been made a fool of ?

"vile internet gossipmonger" said...

It looks like the Kingdom of Prince Gri££in is collapsing. Good !

Anonymous said...

Pete SID Williamson has surfaced again. He is posting over on SFUK using the name;

The white way home UK

He even has a blog called the same name as above.

Williamson trashed the VNN forum till it became a Griffin forum .

Williamson supported Griffin.

Henry said...

Griffin is the Pied Piper that even the rats walked away from.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...