Monday, May 09, 2011

The BNP Leaders priority

The BNP is being decimated with massive electoral losses, losing many seats and haemorraging activists and members on a massive scale.

Seems the 'vultures are now circling' with strong rumours of people queuing up to take Court actions due to Griffin reneging/defaulting on payments for goods or services given to the BNP.

But fear not dear fellows, the Leader has his finger on the pulse. He wants pork chops for breakfast.

Rome , Nero, fiddling while Rome burns - bring any clues ?

All the important issues, addressed in Nick Griffin’s latest tweet, May 9th, 8:22 am.


Anonymous said...

Who the hell has pork chops for breakfast ?

No wonder he is fat.

Anonymous said...

Pork chops for a porker ?

Anonymous said...

greedy pair of bastards.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't Darby be seeing his MI5 handler or watching birds ?

Anonymous said...

Are Griffins pigs Anne & Frank still alive or has porker Griffin scoffed them as well ?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Pork chops for a porker ?
the only chops that fucking fat one-eyed jew Gri££instein deserves are hard ones on his crust delivered by a blunt axe.

Anonymous said...

Griffenstein daily breakfast-20 pork chops,3 bowls of coco-pops,10 rounds of marmalade on toast,30 pancakes with maple syrup,30 fried eggs,17 slices of black pudding, and 10 portions of baked beans.Then 3 hours later its off to the toilet for a giant number two,and while hes sitting on the khazi he has a read of the Jewish Chronicle to see what his masters are up to,and he finishes off by writing childish graffiti about muslims on the toilet wall.
what a useless porker!

Vic Dakins temper


Anonymous said...

Anyone know what Griffin does in Strasbourg, apart from eating of course ?

M Risbrook said...

Pork chops in. Porky pies out.

Anonymous said...

Griffin: Is that a pork chop I see before me?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Griffin: A pork chop! A pork chop! The United Kingdom for a pork chop!

Keine Ruhe said...

All this buggering about, saying various people don’t have a winning formula, is pathetic. Pragmatism is the way forward. Unfortunately for Griffin and the BNP, pragmatism requires intelligence.

Anonymous said...

Vic Dakins temper said .....
Griffenstein daily breakfast-20 pork chops,3 bowls of coco-pops,10 rounds of marmalade on toast,30 pancakes with maple syrup,30 fried eggs,17 slices of black pudding, and 10 portions of baked beans.
Vic, news to me that bloated one-eyed jew bastard is dieting and his energy intake is way down to only 27,000 calories a day - soon we'll be able to fit the greedy fat MI5 zionist pig into a gas oven.
Fly On The Wall

Anonymous said...

@ Fly On The Wall
Putting baked beans into a high-temperature oven for the second time could present the risk of detonating the main charge and causing a major explosion. Have you taken this fully into consideration?

Anonymous said...

@ Fly On The Wall
Putting baked beans into a high-temperature oven for the second time could present the risk of detonating the main charge and causing a major explosion. Have you taken this fully into consideration?
Jeeeze, never thought of that - thanks for the warning - could've got killed by a high velocity ricochetting glass eyeball.

Fly On The Wall

Anonymous said...

A big Yo peeps Purple Aki here. Yo cant keep a good blood hound down so dey sez, even ma Higher Man Joey Owen dinks wit out ma propt wit da cue card. we all knows da Roly Poly mans family business is doomed, but ma man Joey givin da free weel of da mind knows dat Eddy de Dome Butler is gone over board wit his shit blog. Da mans flipped he is trien to fack up de cause, why you might ask, is it love for da one eye pork pie man? Well filthy luca springs to mind! Eddy is a desperate man we must look out who dis mother bites next wit his ju ju poison, for sure he has broken de Nationalist taboo dis facker is havin a laugh at us. He must be sent to coventry (near birmingham) like da roly poly man. Dey is surely traitors to de cause.

Purple Aki Chairperson of da Windfarm Association inconjunction wit da one eye pork pie and dome heads must go NOW if not sooner Federation of Patriots!!!

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...