Thursday, November 03, 2022

 "We must prepare for an angrier world" - who was it that said that?

With everything going 't*ts up', constant scaremongering from the controlled media, and now using this economic weapon raising the UK interest rates to 3%.

The huge handing out of many £billions of money in the Covid scam era on furloughing and  PPI contracts that didn't work or for 'jabs' that also don't work. in fact the opposite as they are quite dangerous and lethal. Throwing £billions more into a war that has nothing to do with us, 1,000's of miles away. Our politicians keep saying this is a price we must pay. Sunak said it immediately after his fixed ascent to the position of Prime Minister.

All this is to do what the Marxist left always wanted to do in the past via their then plan of using 'the Workers' to strike, and bring down the 'capitalist system'.

Behind the 'workers' was always people like bankers. People like JP Morgan, Kuhn Loeb and ultimately the Rothschilds amongst other plutocrats.

This time they have used the Italian Jewish communist Antonio Gramsci's 'Marching through the Institutions' model. They used this concept in other models such as 'Common Purpose', to infiltrate positions of power.

Alongside all this, the extremely dangerous plan they want to force us to have - is their 'Central Bank Digital Currency'/CBDC. IF, they get that plan implemented, we will have effectively lost the battle and the war.  They will then be able to control us 100%, and for ever. The book '1984 by George Orwell' was not a training manual. But it seems to be, 100%.

This time they have used globalist player billionaires openly, such as Soros and the Rothschilds, and their companies such as Blackstone, to push in their planned 'One World Government'.

So, who was it that said, "We must prepare for an angrier world", and he said that some years ago?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wasn't it Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum in a video on Youtube?

  A new book about Jonathan Bowden has been published.