Sunday, February 27, 2022

In the interests of free speech, we believe this man, Vlad Putin, should be heard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"The Mirror reports on a “crack team of SAS veterans” heading to Ukraine, “funded by a country in Europe, still to be named, via a private military company.” According to the paper, “among them there are highly-trained snipers and experts in the use of anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles.” One is quoted as saying, “A lot of ex-parachute regiment colleagues are also very keen to go. Many people are very keen to go, and it has had to be organised very quickly.”"

@NWN - does that Mirror-attributed account of "SAS veterans..." and "ex-parachute regiment" sound plausible? If so they must be as deranged and/or as stupid as Henry Kissinger's infamous statement about fighting men and useless, expendable, dumb animals suggested. Or maybe it's just standard issue lamestream media BS?

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