Trump’s Latest Black Pills

The only good news of the day was that Based Stickman is organizing a military defense wing of the Proud Boys.
I’m just going to give them to you straight:1.) We’re going to keep DACA because “this is a case of heart.” In fact, (((Steve Schwarzman))), the CEO of Blackstone Group, a hedge fund billionaire persuaded Trump to break his campaign promise.
2.) Mike Pence is coming back from Australia with 1,250 Syrian refugees which are being dumped on us.
3.) Angela Merkel convinced Trump to support a free trade deal with the European Union.
4.) Apparently, Trump has no objection to indicting Julian Assange.
5.) After campaigning on the fate of our civilization being at stake in the 2016 election, Trump and the GOP Congress are gearing up to spend the political capital on (what else?) tax cuts.
Note: The only good news of the day was that Based Stickman is organizing a military defense wing of the Proud Boys. The moral of the story seems to be you can’t count on politicians.
NWN: After viewing the pre and aftermath of the Berkeley University riots and with another on the way on the 27th. (Ann Coulter speech this new phenomena in the USA. Has come totally off the radar. This phenomena, of anti-antifa has revealed itself and not from within the 'white nationalist' groups. Nationalism has been moribund in the USA for decades.
Growing from the Trump election and now seeming betrayal, a lot of these people have been mobilised by that election.
They are getting mighty-ly 'pissed off ' as the betrayal by Trump gathers pace.
They have just realised that 'Anti-Fa' are very vicious communist bastards who are the 'bootboys' and thugs for the 'ruling elites'. This growth of a USA 'Anti- Antifa' is welcome. More astute US patriots need to do some homework on places like this country or Germany as examples, where we have had to struggle with these underworld criminal types operating for years.
Coulter demanded a cool $20,000 for her speech at Berkeley which is expected to be yet another cover up for the "Jews din do nuffin, dems is the real racists, Israel who?" line. No free speech heroism here, just freeloading off the backs of the Altlight and the Altright, the only member of whom she would associate with being a Jewish faggot Milo. Coulter not bein racist or antisemitic an all.
Coulter speech now cancelled;
Based Stick Man @BasedStickMan_
Our Fuck Antifa Rally is ON! Let's show Antifa and UCB that we will not be silenced. 2151 M.L.K. Jr Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 2PM BE THERE!
Gavin McInnes @Gavin_McInnesThe @AnnCoulter event in Berkeley is NOT canceled. I will be speaking tomorrow with @Lauren_Southern @FaithGoldy @BrittPettibone #POYB
10:06 pm · 26 Apr 2017
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