Sunday, February 02, 2014

Last Post to get modern treatment under WW1 centenary plans

A Government-backed scheme to mark the First World War centenary will see hundreds of modern arrangements of the Last Post performed, featuring instruments like bagpipes, guitars and steel drums

A bugler plays the last post during a special remembrance blessing at the war memorial in Brighton
Its simple and sombre tune has become synonymous with the sacrifice of the First World War.
Now, to mark the centenary of the conflict’s outbreak, a new Government-backed project will see hundreds of modern arrangements of the Last Post performed, involving instruments as diverse as bagpipes, guitars and steel drums.
The mass participation Last Post project, announced today by Eric Pickles, the Communities Secretary, will see more than 1,000 war-themed musical events held across Britain, at which songs linked to the conflict will be played.
In addition to performances of the Last Post, the scheme hopes to revive other tunes, such as: “Keep the Home Fires Burning”, composed by Ivor Novello in 1914, “Pack Up Your Troubles In Your Old Kit-Bag” and “Take Me Back to Dear Old Blighty”, music hall songs published in 1915 and 1916 respectively.
Keep the Home Fires Burning
The project, which is receiving around £35,000 from the Department for Communities and Local Government, will run throughout the centenary, from 2014 to 2018, and each year, with a series of “Last Post fortnights” held either side of Remembrance Sunday. During each of these periods, 300 groups – scout troops, schools, churches, musical societies and community organisations – will hold their own events. Each year will have its own theme, with 2014’s centred on the “Outbreak of War”.
Pilot projects are already planned in Bradford, Bristol, Haringey, in London, Knowsley, in Merseyside, Cramlington, in Northumberland, and Portsmouth, where the local festival choir, which will stage choral versions of the Last Post and other bugle calls.
Pack Up Your Troubles
Mr Pickles, who on Thursday attended a Last Post ceremony at the Menin Gate, in Ypres, Belgium, said: “The poignancy of The Last Post is something that everyone in Britain recognises as a way of remembering those who lost their lives in war in service to this country fighting for liberty.
“This is a fitting time to bring that music back home, closer to the heart of communities and use it to remember the remarkable role so many local people played in the First World War.”
Take Me Back To Dear Old Blighty
The Last Post itself far predates the First World War. The bugle call was used in British Army camps to mark the end of the day’s labours and the onset of the night’s rest.
It was also sounded at the close of a day in battle, when it signalled to those who were still out and wounded or separated that the fighting was done, and to follow the sound of the call.
From these uses, it has come to represent a final farewell to the fallen at the end of their earthly labours and at the onset of their eternal rest.
It is still sounded at military funerals and commemoration ceremonies, including, nightly, at the Menin Gate, in Ypres, which honours the dead from the First World War fighting around the town.
It has been performed every evening there at 8pm since 1928 – apart from the four years of German occupation during the Second World War.
NWN: Steel drums playing the Last Post ?
"Pilot projects are already planned in Bradford, Bristol, Haringey" ?
Is nothing sacred anymore ? And this from the Tory party !


Anonymous said...

The upper crust were determine to destroy Britain one way or another . They despised the common man and the common tribe .By immigration and social engineering they destroyed the tribal nation. They turned it in to a cess pit. In sixty years they have created a new nation which is nearly dysfunctional and as far from being British as we can get.

Anonymous said...

The Shocking 'Rap Sheet' of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Anonymous said...

Marxists Love The "New World Pope".

Anonymous said...


"Obama’s 34 Words That Matter Most"

No one paid much attention when he said he would appeal for more help for young men of color, but those could prove the most important words of the State of
the Union.

Anonymous said...

Interesting make of it as you will.

Anonymous said...

Queen Elizabeth and Cameron issued warrants for a paedophile ring?

Anonymous said...

I look forward to hearing it on the African nose flute.
Our could our gracious Queen squeeze her but cheeks together and fart it out!


Anonymous said...

Why not play it with a pair of Bongo Drums,Jew's Harp or be really original and do it with Hand Farting? This sounds so inclusive,relevant,iconic and non-judgemental I can feel myself coming over with a strong desire to become a Social Worker and start singing Kumbiya !

Anonymous said...

Jewish Author Harry Waton Admitted that Communism is Jewish, Hitler was Right and the Jews Aim to Conquer the World

Anonymous said...

That old mort playing the bugle looks a bit old to be a sea cadet,I bet she likes touching the young sailor boys up. Probably that's why homosexuality is so rife among sailors. If that's their first encounter with a female.

Anonymous said...

The “Out of Africa” Theory has Been Officially Debunked.

Anonymous said...


kinwale Arobieke: "Modern-day bogeyman" says I'm the victim of a witch hunt.

Anonymous said...

I remember GSTQ being played at the end ofthe Queen's speech a few years ago - that was the last one I watched.

Anonymous said...


Lib Dems urged to woo eastern European voters to avoid wipeout in Brussels elections in May

Nick Clegg under pressure from candidates to target EU citizens in the UK
Senior Lib Dem Issan Ghazni says many do not know they can vote Britain
Ukip tipped to top the polls, followed by Labour and Tories in third

Read more:

Anonymous said...

EU citizens can vote in European and local elections in the UK, elections to the Scottish Parliament and Welsh and Northern Ireland Assemblies and some referendums but are not able to vote in UK Parliamentary general elections.

People from the following countries living in the UK can vote on May 22:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

Read more:

Anonymous said...


Single mother-of-eight who claims £2,000 a month in state handouts has £600 of bus lane fines slashed because she says she can't afford them

Read more:

Anonymous said...

The Nasty Truth: Iran, Nukes and the Jewish Lobby.

Anonymous said...

Britain bars entry to French comedian accused of anti-Semitism.

Anonymous said...

Ukip Commonwealth spokesman forced to resign after he is exposed as leader of a kidnapping gang in Pakistan
Mujeeb ur Rehman Bhutto has admitted being 'boss' of kidnapping gang

35-year-old admitted charges in a UK court under a different name in 2005

Now Ukip try to distance themselves from Bhutto, saying he has resigned

Read more:

Anonymous said...

David Icke Resigns From TPV: Viewers Kept In The Dark!

Anonymous said...

Another Zionist Stooge Barack Obama is Gay?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Mr Netanyahu says the Palestinians' refusal to recognise Israel as a Jewish state is the root of the conflict.

  A new book about Jonathan Bowden has been published.