Thursday, January 23, 2014

Rise of the right: Theresa May under pressure as the leader of ultra-nationalist Hungarian party Jobbik prepares UK visit

The Home Secretary is under increasing pressure from Jewish groups and others to ban the Hungarian ultra-nationalist party from spreading hatred at a London rally this weekend

Gabor Vona, who used his new year message earlier this month to call for the chemical castration of criminals, is due to address “sympathisers” of his far-right party, Jobbik, on Sunday to drum up support among expat Hungarians ahead of national and European elections in the coming weeks.
Jobbik officials denied that Mr Vona, whose party is accused of seeking to legitimise virulent anti-semitic and anti-Roma views in Hungary, will use his visit to meet leaders of the British National Party and the Greek Golden Dawn movement, whose members have expressed admiration for Hitler.
Nick Griffin, the BNP leader, said last month that the three parties had a “common core set of values” and he was seeking a formal alliance with Golden Dawn and Jobbik, which is Hungary’s third largest party, for the European Parliament poll in May.
The expected arrival in London of the leader of Jobbik, which has 43 seats in the Hungarian parliament and three in the European Parliament, is the source of deep upset among Jewish groups, politicians and members of Britain’s 100,000-strong Hungarian population.
Andrew Dinsmore, a former Labour MP and now a member of the London Assembly, has written to Mrs May asking for Mr Vona to be banned from entering Britain and for Scotland Yard to intervene to prevent the Jobbik gathering in central London, due to be held a day before the annual Holocaust Memorial Day.
He said: “The Home Secretary must take a stand to stop Jobbik’s message of hate being broadcast on the streets of London. Jobbik are the most powerful outwardly fascist political party in Europe. Their level of support in the Hungarian elections shows how their message of hate has spread.”
A Facebook page for the event showed that 57 people have so far declared their intention to attend, including a woman describing herself as a children’s music teacher in east London. Another supporter said he would be travelling from Bristol by coach.
Members of Jobbik take an oath to join the Magyar Garda, a group pledging to 'defend Hungary physically, morally and mentally' (Getty) Members of Jobbik take an oath to join the Magyar Garda, a group pledging to 'defend Hungary physically, morally and mentally' (Getty)
In a letter to Mrs May, Jewish leaders backed the calls for a ban, saying that the arrival of Mr Vona and a fellow Jobbik MP, Sandor Porze, would be “an affront to the values we hold dear and is disturbing to the British Jewish community, as well as other minorities”.
The statement on behalf of four leading Jewish groups, including the Board of Deputies, implored Mrs May to make “every effort to prevent these Jobbik representatives from propagating their despicable views and hatred in the UK”.
Hope not Hate, the anti-fascist group, condemned the planned visit, saying it was wrong for Mr Vona to be allowed to voice his “politics of hatred” in Britain.
The Home Office last night declined to comment on the calls for a ban. The Independent understands that a bar on Mr Vona is nonetheless being actively considered under provisions which give the Home Secretary the power to exclude an individual if his or her presence is not “conducive to the public good”.
Scotland Yard said it was aware of the Jobbik rally and “assessing” the information.
Formed a decade ago, Jobbik has rapidly grown by espousing a mixture of anti-globalisation economics, hardline law-and-order policies including the introduction of a “three strikes” rule and a barely-concealed agenda against “Israelis” and Roma people.
The Home Secretary, Theresa May (Getty Images) The Home Secretary, Theresa May (Getty Images)
In November 2012, Marton Gyongyosi, the party’s deputy parliamentary leader and its leading voice on foreign policy, called for a security register of Hungarian Jewish legislators and ministers. Hungary, which imposed one of the most thorough extermination policies of the Holocaust while under occupation, has a population of about 100,000 Jews.
Mr Gyongyosi said: “I think such a conflict makes it timely to tally up people of Jewish ancestry who live here, especially in the Hungarian parliament and the Hungarian government, who, indeed, pose a security risk in Hungary.”
When the World Jewish Congress held its annual gathering Budapest last year, Jobbik held a rally in the Hungarian capital during which Mr Vona told supporters: “The Israeli conquerors, these investors, should look for another country in the world for themselves because Hungary is not for sale.”
The former history teacher, who at 35 appeals to Hungary’s disenfranchised young, has also frequently used his role to attack Hungary’s Roma population, calling for a special “gendarmerie” to be set up to tackle “gypsy crime”.
He once said: “We must produce an environment in which gypsy people can return to a world of work, laws and education. And for those unwilling to do so, two alternatives remain: they can either choose to take advantage of the right of free movement granted by the EU…or there is always prison.”
Jobbik did not respond to the criticisms but insisted that Mr Vona’s visit to London was intended purely for a Hungarian audience. A spokeswoman said: “This is a forum for Hungarian citizens. This is not to do with anyone else. There are lots of Hungarians living in London and the election is coming up in Hungary.”

A right character: Gabor Vona

Gabor Vona delivers a speech in Budapest last year Gabor Vona delivers a speech in Budapest last year (Getty)
Like many far-right politicians, Gabor Vona has an  eye for controversial  gestures as well as xenophobic politics in the search for electoral popularity.
When he was sworn in as a member of the Hungarian parliament in 2010, the leader of the Jobbik party defiantly wore a black vest reminiscent of those worn by the country’s pro-Nazi groups of the 1940s despite warnings that he could face prosecution.
The garment was part of the uniform of the Hungarian Guard, a vigilante group set up by Jobbik to work  alongside police in districts with a high population of Roma Gypsies and subsequently banned.
Born in 1978, Mr Vona was a co-founder of Jobbik in 2003 and became party leader three years later, pushing it to win more than 16 per cent of the vote with a mixture of populist economics laced with attacks on minorities including Jews and Roma.
He denies his party is  extremist. In his new-year message to supporters he called for the return of the death penalty and the introduction of chemical castration for sex offenders.


Anonymous said...

Its the jews poking their noses in again.

Anonymous said...

January 23, 2014 at 8:48 pm

The legal Jobbik Party have many members elected to the Hungarian legislature and also two Members who were elected to the European Parliament (MEPs), who daily participate in this EU Parliament’s debates & discussions. Once again it looks as though Abe Foxman’s ADL-drafted EUSSR ‘anti-hate’ laws will be enforced by the Zionist Jews/Cultural Marxists of the pro-EUSSR UK government to demonize Jobbik & nationalism in general, & to silence the Truth. For hundreds of millions of people worldwide are now aware that the naked Truth clearly exposes the Zionist Jew/Cultural Marxist World of Lies and is as deadly to the Zionist/Jews/Cultural Marxists as a Cross is to a vampire.

The Zionist Jew brainwashed liberal/Leftist/Cultural Marxists have long ago lost touch with reality. And are very much proud of the humanity they feel for those oppressed by Whites) it is, of course, pig-headed ignorance, really). Cue a withering stare from a liberal female for declaring no interest in seeing the movie, ‘Twelve Years A Slave’ because, “Slavery’s been around as long as the human race has” – but, I left unsaid the “But why do we always hear only about Black slavery & suffering”. Also left unsaid was, “Do you know that the USSR Zionist Jews/Marxists murdered more than 100 million Europeans (mostly Christians) – I wondered if she would have had a heart attack if I’d said that. But I’d definitely have been called a Nazi, I’m sure.

Anonymous said...

Ulrika Jonsson's fury over Stan Collymore's public anti-bullying campaign after the ex-footballer 'bullied and beat her black and blue' during their relationship'
Swedish presenter was kicked and punched by star in 1998 Paris attack
Ex-footballer has called for Twitter to crack down on abusive messages
'If he's so against death threats, why did he say he'd 'f****** kill' me? It's a disgrace,' Ms Jonsson said
'A 15-year-old story is in the past. It bears no relevance to me today', Mr Collymore said

Read more:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

English Defence League founder Tommy Robinson jailed for mortgage fraud as he boasts on Twitter 'see you all in 18 months'
Robinson, 31, had previously admitted two counts of mortgage fraud
Accused of conspiring with others to obtain a mortgage by misrepresentation from Abbey and Halifax banks
EDL founder posted 'this is a complete stitch up' on his Twitter account
Also posted picture of a meal captioned 'one last feed'
Robinson quit the EDL in October over concerns of far-right extremism
Has claimed he now wants to help tackle racism in Britain

Read more:

Anonymous said...


Rival Anne Frank Film, TV Projects Spark Furor

Anne Frank
“She has become incredibly commercialized,” laments the group that owns rights to her diary as an unauthorized TV miniseries joins two new films.

Anonymous said...

The Iceman Inheritance
A frightening publication history of
Jewish media suppression

Now, for the first time in 23 years, there is a new and revised edition of one of the most notorious underground bestsellers in recent North American publishing history – possibly second only to The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews.

Anonymous said...

Gollymore is a skunk bag!!!

Anonymous said...

Tory has-been totty, Theresa May, is a through-and-through joo - so don't be surprised if she does the British Board of Joo Deputies bidding - so it's knickers down - again.

Fly OnThe Wall

Anonymous said...

Tory has-been totty, Theresa May, is a through-and-through joo - so don't be surprised if she does the British Board of Joo Deputies bidding - so it's knickers down - again.

Fly OnThe Wall

Anonymous said...

Arizona Constitution Party Chairman Calls for Revolution.

Anonymous said...

Almost twothird (2/3) of the "Hungarian" parlament members (we simply call it a synagoge) has dual citizenship.
The Jobbik Party and Vona is a security valve to insure the zionist suprimacy, since the traditional left and right bullshit can not be sold anymore.

Anonymous said...

Vienna 'far-right' ball condemned in mass protests.

Anonymous said...

Freemasonry: 'The firm within the firm'

Anonymous said...

Weisenthal Hate Center releases top ten list.

Anonymous said...

Golden Dawn, Amnesty International And Charitable Status.

Anonymous said...


Rugby joins ranks of the politically correct with 'no winners' rules for children

A new non-competitive version of rugby union, introduced by an official body, is criticised for "robbing children of motivation"

Anonymous said...

Pigs’ heads sent to Israel embassy, synagogue in Rome.

Anonymous said...

The ‘Holocaust Denial’ Debate.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

President Roosevelt's Campaign To Incite War in Europe:
The Secret Polish Documents

Anonymous said...

The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Anonymous said...

Where does the desire to dominate and exploit others originate?
The book, Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of 3000 Years
by Israel Shahak provides the answer.

"Some may call it Communism, but I call it what it is: Judaism." Rabbi Stephen Weiss.

Anonymous said...


Meet Conchita Wurst, Austria’s Controversial Choice for the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest.

Anonymous said...


Head of government-backed victims-of-crime charity 'took armed gang to settle long-running land row in Pakistan'
Javed Khan reported to have arrived in the village of Haveli Bagal last week

Head of Victim Support 'joined by eight men armed with automatic rifles'
Witnesses claim one woman was threatened by charity chief
Events could embarrass charity, which receives £38m from government

Read more:

Anonymous said...

rally went ahead.................

Anonymous said...

Israeli militarism predicated on 9/11 deception.

Anonymous said...

Nazi death camp museum worker charged over anti-Semitic posters.

Anonymous said...

Russian Jewish Congress: Anti-Semitism on the rise in Russia.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Romanians offered Prime Minister's paid apprenticeships

A £1.5 billion government scheme to get young Britons back into work is being advertised to Romanians considering coming to Britain.

Anonymous said...

Zionist German vice chancellor raps anti-EU parties.

Anonymous said...

Himmler never mentioned Holocaust to wife despite her dislike of Jews - letters neither did anyone else.

Anonymous said...

Twerking with Anne Frank in a Dancing Zombie Musical.

Anonymous said...

Pro-White Rallies Organized Across the Globe for March.

Anonymous said...

If only we had such a charasmatic leader in the National Front. Things might pick up then in Britain.

Anonymous said...

Cui Bono?

Anonymous said...

Eisenhower's Starvation Order.

Anonymous said...

New York's Zionist Mayor.

Anonymous said...

Lord Moyne, the British Secretary of State in Cairo, in 1942 tried to interfere in Baron Edmond’s plan when he declared “the Jews were not the descendants of the ancient Hebrews and that they had no "legitimate claim" on the Holy Land. In favor of limiting Jewish immigration into Palestine, he was accused of being "an implacable enemy of Hebrew independence," and on November 6, 1944 Lord Moyne was murdered by two members of the Stern Gang (Yitzhak Shamir's group).

  Nigel Farage - the man who helped Nick Griffin take over the BNP in 1999. Thereby, destroying the BNP. The pic is of Nigel Farage on the r...