Tuesday, June 07, 2011

It's the 1980's all over again !


Anonymous said...

It's no wonder we are not getting anywhere.

Anonymous said...

It's the 1980's all over again !

Reminded me of them two Sheffield girls out of the Human League singing "dont you want me".Talking of two girls from Sheffield maybe griffin could use Tommy & Dave to do a remake of the record to boost the party coffers.

Anonymous said...

With friends like these who needs enemies

Rufus T Firefly said...

Griffin could cause trouble in an empty house !

And Butler has no reason to complain.

He fully supported Griffin and his actions UNTIL he was removed from the payroll.

Sounds like Joe Owens. Owens only came out against Griffin when he was removed from the payroll - or rather wasn't given the job and placed on the payroll.

Anonymous said...

Taysider on SF says he has today heard that Andrew Brons is to challenge Griffin for the BNP chairmanship.

NWN Admin said...

Anonymous said...
Taysider on SF says he has today heard that Andrew Brons is to challenge Griffin for the BNP chairmanship.

8 June 2011 18:13

I would think that is more likely now after watching the above two youtubes.

I don't think he would have done this before this bust-up with Griffin came about.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous would you like to make silly jokes in person ?
Thought one of you wankers might have turned up in Blackpool but as usual your just internet gob .

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous would you like to make silly jokes in person ?
Thought one of you wankers might have turned up in Blackpool but as usual your just internet gob .

8 June 2011 21:00

Is this griffinite thug Dave Howard ? I would have thought he wouldnt show his ugly fat face after all the support he gave traitor Griffin and all the threats he has made over the web.

Anonymous said...

Fat bagel boy Griffinstein sits there all smug looking like Jabba the Hutt! And the Truth truck should be renamed the FUCK TRUCK or TURD TRUCK.Its time for you to go bagel boy Griffin! Go and open a kosher pie shop in Golders Green.

Inspector Blakey
"get that bus out Griffin!"

Anonymous said...

Anonymous why not come to Dewsbury on Saturday and gob off just so theres no confusion I will be the one in the BNP shirt .

Anonymous said...

Laugh but laugh the EDL is in total turmoil.The wheels are falling off the kosher kart already.Seems infiltration is taking a foothold as the paranoid pills are starting to work.Groups and members are already accusing each other of being moles,friends are falling out over people not turning up at silly flash demo's.The red infiltrators must think heaven has come early in the EDL as it took years to break the BNP backbone.My friend you go to Dewsbury and watch how many so called fiends film you,get to know you then put your pictures all over facebook then tag you ? Just ask the question why the EDL top brass broke down talks with the old bill ? Cos they want it to kick off,they want you caught on candid camera,they want more details of you at old scotland yard and they want more of you in courts paying your zog fines.

Anonymous said...

Allo Boys Purple here I has been using ma black berry reedin some of da blogs put out der in cyberland about de Roly Poly Man, plus da feed back from ma higherman Joey de Owen he bin takin a census of de talkin heads, de taxi drivers and workers in da Thai knockin shops dat Joey knows from his spray tan days dat have bin poppin up in large numbers in scouseland leave me in no doubt dat de hated Griffin and his paid lackys is makin da last ditch stand, dey have turned da BNP into a neuted Tom dis is caused by de blind zombie support of part time patriots, whispers comin in say Andrew de Brons will stand against de mother of all pork pies N.G.and will take de good and true nationlist further up de right road and save da people, ma Higherman Joey is getting his sandwich board ready to support de change, de good news Freddy Macknuckleduster has e-mailed me a pledge to fight de good fight against da Roly Poly Man in scouseland to stop
Griffins BNP family company and give it back to those dat need it most - da people.

Purple Aki Spokesperson for Brons must Rule Crop Circles Alliance

Anonymous said...

He's going 'doing' the infiltrating !

He was involved in wrecking the BNP by being a Griffin attack dog.

Before that he was infiltrating the old 2000 Freedom Party of Adrian Davies and the Edwards's.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...