Mark Collett expelled from BNP !
Can't Griffin get on with anyone ?
Has he no friends at all ?
It seems that everyone who gets close to Griffin ends up hating him.
For years it seemed that 'wonder boy Collett' was the one exception, and many people wondered why he was the exception. Now we see that even 'wonder boy' falls out with crook Griffin. The one's who hold any position now in the BNP should have learnt by now, that they will get sacked by Griffin, not if, but when.
Griffin has obviously got psychological issues, and is unfit to run a kebab shop, never mind a political party.
Collett no doubt knows some interesting stuff on Griffin. We at NWN wonder what he will reply back with ? Many think it was Collett who released the porno pics of Griffins minder Martin Reynolds.
Before l left the party i had doubts and suspicions about certain new nationalists that joined and seemed to all of a sudden become super activists ! Many of them spoke openly with very racial undertones which made me highly suspicious.One i had serious doubts about i sent a personal message about supporting and attending another right wing organisation which subsequently resulting in me all of a sudden being outed from the party after years of service ? While griffin was in honeymoon mode with jim dowson at the thought of the yankee dollar that dowson promised,was far too tempting for griffin to even notice the party was about to be self destructed by sleepers that knew the time was right to strike in the break up of the biggest nationalist movement of all time.We have seen groups fold,we have seen long standing members,activists,parliamentary candidates walk away we are about to see branches fold because griffin fell on his own sword for his lust for money ! but one question i must beg is why any long standing member that has put their life and soul into the party then walks away is just left to fade into oblivion ? This to me is not right at all as the brain drain has has been sucked out of the BNP and all thats left are the dregs and donuts with about as much of an I.Q. as sooty and sweep.
They say a picture paints a thousand words ?
Bumped into a good old friend and activist the other day who is stll a party member but hasnt leafleted for over two years and hasnt been to a meeting for over two year for the simple reason NO ONE HAS CONTACTED HIM FOR OVER TWO YEARS !
I dug out some old pictures from about seven years ago after a good morning leafleting session which pictured 21 of us active members.Apart from my friend above the total number that are still members is 0 !!!!
Griffin is like Sweeney Todd who says in the musical that 'all deserve to die'.
He cuts the throats of everyone who associates with him.
who is in line to go next? any member with dodgy tattos had better watch out. after all he will not want his indian & jewish friends to get upset and stop donateing money.
I have no compassion for the loud mounted ex arch-Griffinite Collett, but I hope this silly little, immature boy spills the beans on his ex-close chums? He must have dozens of stories and facts about crooked accounts and sexual sleaze?
He's still owed about 20 grand I believe so expect another court case for Griffin to lose.
"but one question i must beg is why any long standing member that has put their life and soul into the party then walks away is just left to fade into oblivion ?"
I think you'll find these good Nationalists are sick to the teeth because the BNP has turned so liberal and is no longer Racial Nationalist, most of these good folk are still about, going to New Right meetings, donating to the NF etc, even though they are thoroughly disillusion with Griffin and his State stooges.
Mark Collett, in the past you continually brought nationalism and the BNP into disrepute and made ten-of-thousands of pounds of profit out of BNP members, and it's now time for you to make ammends for your transgressions, by assisting in saving the BNP from Gri££in's and Dow$on's death-grip, by cutting a deal with the Crown Prosecution Service and the Old Bill, then spilling the beans on Gri££in and Dow$on.
By doing this brave act you will make a major contribution in helping save the BNP and the indigenous British people, and earn the eternal gratitude of all decent British nationalists.
Fly On The Wall
Is Collett waiting to see if Butler will get the nominations. He must know about the internal goings on, the stealing of money and corruption.
I dont no any part of Liverpool that has seen a BNP leaflet in 12years.
Blair must be arrested.
John Pilger.
Having helped destroy other nations far away, our former prime minister — “peace envoy” to the Middle East — is now free to profit from the useful contacts he made while working as a “servant
of the people”.
"Is Collett waiting to see if Butler will get the nominations. He must know about the internal goings on, the stealing of money and corruption."
He does - and I hear Eddy is going to keep him on if he wins or the party has to split. Sorry, but anyone who trusts Collett is a fool and/or crook in my book.
Off Topic / Interesting.
I agree with most of the comments here if not all. The BNP has turned into a joke and has lost almost all nationalist ethos.
What we are left with is a bunch of spinless users who are abusing decent people by using their patriotic pride to rip them off.
Griffin and Dowson are traitors, and those that support them blindly like the Green Arse, or Paul Morris as he is known is equally as guilty. The Green arsehole has now taking to having a go and naming real nationalists on his money grabbing blog. And all because he wants money and to enclose himself in the warm socket of Griffins arse.
All of those people who have used nationalisim for their own ends are SCUM.
I agree with most of the comments here if not all. The BNP has turned into a joke and has lost almost all nationalist ethos.
What we are left with is a bunch of spinless users who are abusing decent people by using their patriotic pride to rip them off.
Griffin and Dowson are traitors, and those that support them blindly like the Green Arse, or Paul Morris as he is known is equally as guilty. The Green arsehole has now taking to having a go and naming real nationalists on his money grabbing blog. And all because he wants money and to enclose himself in the warm socket of Griffins arse.
I've just heard the very well respected and long serving member, London Regional Organiser Chris Roberts has been suspended by Jefferson/Atkins. this is bloody outrageous, when we finally take back control of our party the likes of this obnoxious benefit scrounger will be drummed out of Nationalism for good!
Rumours are that up to 50 officials and members have been suspended today in letters they received by recorded delivery from Jefferson, no reasons has been given in the letters. Incidentally Griffin is back from his hols in the South of France, he attended Dowson's eldest daughter's wedding while sunning himself at members' expense down there.
I've just received a letter from Jefferson by recorded delivery this morning, sent from a P.O box address in Spennymoor, Co Durham dated 6th August : "Your membership of the BNP has been suspended, pending an investigation into alleged serious breaches of the BNP Code of Conduct. While suspended you may not take part in any Party event, attend meetings or send circulars that give the impression that you hold any position within the Party. You are required to fully comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Party Constitution. Failure to comply with these requirements could result in your expulsion from membership of the Party, and Civil or Criminal proceedings being taken against you. You will be informed of the outcome of the investigation in due course."
P.O.Box 105, Spennymoor, County Durham, DL16 9BJ is arch-Griffinite Adam Walker's address, this toe rag race- mixer (he has a Japanese wife) is off to Japan soon with Griffin and an all expenses paid trip, this wanker should be run out of Nationalism! Incidentally the Japs generally hate their people mixing their blood with other race, they don't even want to mix with the Chinese.
The 2030 Deadline: New NHS Birth Figures Confirm That Immigrant Births Will Be Majority within Two Decades
New National Health Service figures about the number of immigrant-origin live births — which are an underestimate of the actual numbers — indicate that Third World immigrant births will be an outright majority of all babies born in Britain by the year 2030.
Green Arse is a zionist shill.
The BNP has become the Dowson and Green Arse Party they are not even members.
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