Steve Whittle returned to jail - Heretical two
The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, formerly the judicial committee of the House of Lords, has refused the H2 leave to appeal. It is the practice of this Court not to give reasons for refusing leave to appeal, whereas it would be considered an error of law for any other court not to give reasons for its decisions. The H2 are now entitled to petition the European Court of Human Rights for leave to appeal to that court, which they could not do before, as would be petitioners are obliged to exhaust all domestic recourse first. Meanwhile, Steve, who was out on bail at a bail hostel in Blackburn which he found fairly agreeable, has been caught on the internet in breach of bail conditions, and sent to Preston goal. He was found by the police using the internet in Blackburn public library [we are no different to China and Burma in treatment of dissidents!!!]. Steve would, as ever, appreciate messages of support to show that the H2 are not forgotten in gaol. His address is:
Mr S. Whittle A8041AA
H. M. P. Preston,
2 Ribbleton Lane,
The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, formerly the judicial committee of the House of Lords, has refused the H2 leave to appeal. It is the practice of this Court not to give reasons for refusing leave to appeal, whereas it would be considered an error of law for any other court not to give reasons for its decisions. The H2 are now entitled to petition the European Court of Human Rights for leave to appeal to that court, which they could not do before, as would be petitioners are obliged to exhaust all domestic recourse first. Meanwhile, Steve, who was out on bail at a bail hostel in Blackburn which he found fairly agreeable, has been caught on the internet in breach of bail conditions, and sent to Preston goal. He was found by the police using the internet in Blackburn public library [we are no different to China and Burma in treatment of dissidents!!!]. Steve would, as ever, appreciate messages of support to show that the H2 are not forgotten in gaol. His address is:
Mr S. Whittle A8041AA
H. M. P. Preston,
2 Ribbleton Lane,
So the Police are checking on computer use at Blackburn public library ?
So he has been sent back to jail for accessing the internet ?
Did it offend the Asian colonists that a member of the indigenous species was using Blackburn Library?
It must be 'racist' for a Briton to use a public library when the public in question is shi'ite brown.
EDL attack George Galloway meeting in Manchester on Sunday.
Yet more Griffin & Dowson bullshit on the party's website, the 2009 accounts hopefully will reveal the truth?
"Profitable as Well as Popular: the BNP’s Belfast Call Centre — A Real Party Success Story"
Nick Cass to be Butlers running mate.
Bloody hell Cass is the stereotypical Yorkshireman.
Both of them are boring, boring, boring !
A slight change of subject -
The BNP as a ‘product’ is utterly ruined. Gri££in’s arrogance and incompetence has seen to that. Even with him gone the damage he has done is not going to wash away with a new chairman.
Gri££in is the equivalent of a blindfolded goalkeeper that insists on throwing the ball into the back of his own net, and then insists that hordes of invisible ‘Reds, moles, searchlight agents and little green men from Mars’ are to blame.
Butler is no idiot, a cold fish yes, but not stupid. He is standing against Gri££in not with the intention of taking over and rebuilding the BNP, but ridding us of Gri££in and his poison, before launching a new party. This way with Gri££in gone and politically buried, a new direction can be taken without the slime that infests the current BNP upper Party structure.
Good people that have been purged by Gri££in in the past can be invited into this new party without the genuine trouble makers which can be left to fight over the scraps of what was the BNP. Nationalism then has a chance. Effort can then also be made to see to it that Gri££in does not get re-elected into Europe with a hard-hitting counter-campaign against him with a clean and smart nationalist alternative in his European region – ripping the carpet from under him once and for all.
Some people may well bang on about ‘saving’ the BNP because it’s a household name etc, blah, blah. I say that yes, it is a household name, for all the wrong reasons! To top it all off, Gri££in made an absolute arse of himself AND the BNP in front of millions of voters on national TV and in the polls.
Eddy is playing a shrewd game and he has learnt lessons from others who have tried to depose Gri££in in the past. By removing him FIRST, then beginning the process of rebuilding nationalism, the task will be considerably easier than having him bullying and attacking from within with his faggot attack-dog blogs with his greasy hands on the web-site and the Party cash. Come on Eddy, show us what you are made of.
"Nick Cass to be Butlers running mate."
Nick Cass is a decent, honest, dedicated Racial Nationalist who fell fowl of Gri££in, good luck to him. Incidentally Bi-Sexual, back-stabber Barnbrook was to be Eddy's running mate but he got cold feet and then had a tantrum the following day.
Darby has resigned today! Even he knows the writing is on the wall for Gri££in?
"I am going to set an example. I have therefore decided to resign as Deputy Leader of this Party with immediate effect."
Thursday, 1 July 2010, Simon Darby Blog
Rumours are coming through the grape vine that BNP staff haven't been paid for the month of June, what with all that Dowson donors money supposedly coming in, what could be happening?
What is the legality of this? We have already been collecting nomination signatures on forms that Eddy Butler had prepared, surely no institution sends out its own nomination papers and who will scruntinise them?
BNP Leadership Election — Official Statement
"Official nomination forms will be sent to each Member and Voting Member eligible to nominate/vote in such an election, and will have to be returned by post to be received between 20 July and noon of 10 August. It is recommended that such forms are sent by registered or recorded delivery mail."
Scumbag Green Arrow has justed posted this, is he a State Agent or what?
"I would also be interested now, in receiving the names of all those who sign Butlers nomination forms, in order that I may make public all information that I may gather on those people who are either deliberately trying to destroy the BNP or those stupid enough to support them."
Now this is interesting!!!
Anonymous said...
Scumbag Green Arrow has justed posted this, is he a State Agent or what?
"I would also be interested now, in receiving the names of all those who sign Butlers nomination forms, in order that I may make public all information that I may gather on those people who are either deliberately trying to destroy the BNP or those stupid enough to support them."
1 July 2010 22:26
People can discuss this issue at;
I've just got this from the Butler campaign team, how low will Gri££in stoop?
"They are bugging gatherings, closing down branch meetings, sacking officials and even suspending the membership of people who support a leadership challenge. The idea that people should send their nomination papers to Clive Jefferson’s Elections Department is nothing short of outrageous and can only be viewed as an attempt to derail the Party’s internal democratic process."
He should tell that to the Jews!
"Incidentally Bi-Sexual, back-stabber Barnbrook was to be Eddy's running mate but he got cold feet and then had a tantrum the following day."
Send him out to do an honest days work, he is just a paracite on the back of members who pay their fees.
Kenneth O'Keefe - Gaza flotilla activist on BBC Hard Talk, we need men as passionate and dedicated in Racial Nationalism as this chap, I see he uses the word Goyim. Very interesting interview
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