Saturday, November 28, 2009

Tommy Williams and Dave Howard

Tommy Williams and Dave Howard


West Yorkshire Police were called today after Tommy Williams and Dave Howard turned up at 2.35pm on the Leeds doorstep of National Front Director of Information Eddy Morrison. Williams spoke while Howard stayed in the background filming. (We look forward to seeing if a video appears on Williams' blog.)

Eddy was at home with a NF comrade, three other members having left about half an hour ago. Tommy Williams knocked at the door and, when it was answered, said "Come outside, Eddy, and I'll do you." This was mingled with much swearing and more specific threats. Eddy and his comrade have informed the police that they saw either a knife or cosh in Williams' right hand. When Eddy and the other NF member attempted to shut the door, Williams stuck his foot in to prevent this. They only left when the NF member said he would call the police and Williams kicked the door as they departed. As they drove away, the NF members were able to take down the registration number of Howard's car, which has been supplied to the police.

When the police arrived, they were extremely concerned that such an incident had taken place in an old persons' residential complex and stayed for several hours. They took statements from Eddy and the comrade who was with him at the time, as well as other residents of the complex. They were also shown a threatening email sent by Williams a few days previously (see Eddy's blog), which shows a prior intent to intimidate and harm the recipient. When they were told about the many threats which have appeared on the Covert blog, they asked to see it and requested many printouts which they took away with them. The opinion of the police officers present was that the actions of Williams and Howard warranted, at the very least, a charge of threatening behaviour, and a file will be sent to the Crown Prosecution Service.

The police were also interested to learn that an elderly female NF member had been threatened and abused over the phone by a man with a South Yorkshire accent and will be speaking to her also.

National Front members are greatly angered by today's events and all of us regard an attack on a single member as an attack on the entire party.

NWN: No surprises here with these two thugs. However the links to Nick Griffin should be cause for concern to Griffinite BNP people.

Breaking News
The Covert Blog has been closed (not shut down).
Presumably the owners want to hide some of the more incriminating stuff from the police while the investigation is under way.


Anonymous said...

There is a pic online showing Williams at Morrisons door.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Dave Howard doing community service already for causing trouble in Leeds ?

ES said...

Fuck Morrison, he's been working for the State for years, going all the way back to his days as a Young Communist League member. He was spying on the Reds back then.

Anonymous said...

Who havent these two dicks not threatened ?

Stormfront mods,NWN,NF.

Why do they always pick on old people or women as Dave Howard threatened DUX 90 on Stormfront.

Anonymous said...

This is the pinnacle of nationalism today. And people wonder why the nationalism never succeeds.

Anonymous said...

Dont both of these two do security at the BNP red,white and blue ?

Anonymous said...

Apparently Morrison lives in an old folks home.

So these two creeps went round to cause trouble in an area where old folks live ?

This is fucking diabolical.

Anonymous said...

I think Howard was in the Sheffield Star recently for causing trouble in Leeds.

He got some community service order.

Hopefully he might get some jail this time. We don't want rubbish like this in the BNP.

Anonymous said...

Yes they look like two very upstanding citizens.

Thats it I am not renewing my BNP membership.

Anonymous said...

They have threatened the ITP too !

ex-bnp said...

Fat pieces of shit

Anonymous said...

That shitbag Shearer has posted in support of his thug mates over on stormfront;

Today, 03:19 AM #1
Jock Oldham
Forum Member

Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: White mans last stand
Posts: 1,975
NF mods hidden agenda


So here we have a mod clearly overstepping the mark naming Nationalists is bang out of order..

Just because one person says something happened dosent mean it did..

Ravsener you are out of order on this one you should have waited for the police to act then reported your story..

the post on the two named Nationalists should be removed..

and lets not forget Eddie Morrison has a history of lying and drunkenness..

and thats proved not hear say......

Anonymous said...

Shearer is a tit.
He fails to mention fatman & dobbin have posted a pic banging on Morrisons door.

Doh !

Anonymous said...

Fucking criminal filth, they belong in a camp!!

Anonymous said...

Tommy Sieg heiling lulz
Tommy Williams Sieg Heiling

Anonymous said...

Tammy Williams and Davina Howard these lady boys are well known for bitching they do indeed need a straightner in more ways than one.
Sailor Bill.

Anonymous said...

so gri££in sent these 2 moron's around to a nationaists house with threat's of violence? gri££in should be questioned by the police.

Anonymous said...

find it strange how covert are always asking nf to come round and when they do and leave a sticker they go round to eddys house. they did email eddy saying they wouls stamp on his face and hack his computer.

Anonymous said...

The C.U.N.T.S and ES are they state run scum, filth working for that bastard Griffin. Why do they not criticise their master wanting Wogs in the BNP, they are always attacking real Nationalists? Eddy Morrison is not state, he works bloody hard for the cause.

Anonymous said...

Those C.U.N.T.S and the other Griffinite attack dogs dotted around the country need to be sorted once and for all. They are a sinister bunch of criminal losers, either Griffin pays them direct or there is some state involvement? The State are destroying the BNP and appear not to want any Racial Nationalist alternative to recruit disillusioned members. The only party's they want in play are an multi-racial BNP and the EDL thwats. The National Front seems the most likely Nationalist party to benefit from Griffin madcap policies and his move away from racialist politics, hence all the grief that Eddy is receiving?

Anonymous said...

Morrison lives on a street somewhere in East Leeds, it's modern flats where some pensioners live but people of all ages live there. Morrison is not a pensioner.

The thing is, it proves the CUNTs have the NF membership list as Morrison is so secretive about his address hardly anyone knew it until now.

Anonymous said...

Gri££in was in Strasbourg yesterday talking about climate change, now he's off to sunny Copenhagen to discuss the same topic (oh the rigors of an MEP's life,) while multi-racial Britain and black crime increase by the day and the White race suffers the burden. At least Gri££in can rest assure that his attack dogs are hard at work, while their master is away playing at politics?

Anonymous said...

It's just totally amazing, while our nation rots away with mass non-White immigration, increased race mixing and the collapse of our civilisation, twisted, scum the likes of the C.U.N.T.S find time to attack dedicated Racial Nationalists like old Eddy. ZOG must be laughing their socks off in Tel Aviv, as their plot the destruction of any person or organisation that get in the way of their master plan? The State is surely the guiding hand behind such filth.

Anonymous said...

What a pair of scum bags.
Post there address if you know it. Theres going to be show time .

NWN Admin said...

Anonymous said...
What a pair of scum bags.
Post there address if you know it. Theres going to be show time .

29 November 2009 00:31


We know their addresses !

Anonymous said...

Why don't these two ever attack the reds or our enemies on their blog ?

Answer; They must be reds themselves.

Anonymous said...

We know their addresses !

29 November 2009 00:38


Anonymous said...

Why do they not attack Chris Jackson ?

Surely he is the focus of their hatred as he stood against traitor Griffin ?

CJ would kick the shit out of both of them put together.

CJ was a Rugby league forward for his town team and a bit of an hard case in his day.

NWN Admin said...

They both live South side Sheffield.

If you wish to post your own e-mail with 'bone-fides', we may give you their addresses.

Apparently the Police are looking into these two drug addled demics activities.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Howard a bus driver ?

GriffinWatch said...

One of the biggest anti-griffin stories in recent history if not ever, the M.S.M. aren't covering it and they view G.W. frequently, the tossers at L.U. aren't covering it, why do you think that is.......?
Haven't you worked it out yet?
And Griffins reply to recent goings on?
He wants you to join the Trafalgar club.
We've been telling you what's been going on and why for years now and still some won't listen.
Griffin is doing the states work and is being protected by them.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum.

Anonymous said...

Black playwright Bonnie Greer writes 'BNP: The Opera' Hopefully we can have Williamson & Howard in the chorus line howling as they get a good kicking?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ive just had a look at the C.U.N.T.S.web site what a pair of scum bags the site itself is pure crap just like a junkies kitchen.


eddie stamptons rent boy said...

haha was it his club foot tommy stuck in the door??????????????or does he now have two club feet,I hope eddie flattened his foot in the door ?

Anonymous said...

I don't know if there is any truth in this Sun report? if there is Gri££in is an utter cunt.

BNP: Give Gibraltar back

"Nick Griffin, made the offer at a Spanish rally in Madrid last week"

Anonymous said...

tommy admits working for media!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"BNP leader Nick Griffin has won a landslide victory - in the vote for the worst former Cambridge University student ever."

Anonymous said...

F**king Gri££in has put his foot in it yet again, how many times over the years has this prick opened his big stupid mouth and lost us support. This middle-class cretin must be booted out of our party?


Anonymous said...

Griffin's lack of competence in dealing with the media was amply demonstrated on Question Time.

It's amazing bow someone who has been at the politics game for so long has not worked up his case better. This put him in court during the 1990s quite unnecessarily. He has bits well worked out but founders too often.

He also no doubt lacks competent advice having got rid of so many people. Politics is a team job and the last thing Griffin wants is a real team in case of rivals.

No wonder the BNP is chaotic. It simply is not politically serious in its present form but many nationalists are grateful for anything.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm can't view the covert blog.

Anonymous said...

Given the unwelcome choice between Spain and Islam, most would choose Spain.

Of course it is a false choice as the only flag we want is British.

But that is not the same as saying Britain should give Gibraltar to Spain.

This was a stupid thing for Griffin to say, simply because he should have realised how the popular media would play it.

But why should we be played so easily by the media?

Bill Jax

Anonymous said...

What is the point of reporting the ridiculous antics of Tommy?

It is just a storm in a tea cup and serves only to feed Tommy's sense of importance.

The real issue of nationalism in Britain is the state of the BNP, not the pathetic doings of a non entity.

Bill Jax

GriffinWatch said...

"What is the point of reporting the ridiculous antics of Tommy?

It is just a storm in a tea cup and serves only to feed Tommy's sense of importance.

The real issue of nationalism in Britain is the state of the BNP, not the pathetic doings of a non entity.

Bill Jax"

So we shouldn't expose traitors in our midst? and let the continue to wreak havoc?

Anonymous said...

Tommy is not important enough to be a traitor, he is just a nuisance and a distraction.

The only importance that he has is given to him by people like us reacting to his behaviour.

I suggest that if we simply ignore him, then he will continue to annoy and that is all he will achieve.

Bill Jax

Anonymous said...

might have something to do with site above

Anonymous said...

That Dave Strickson of BNP organiser in Thurrock is an odd one, he is pals with Griffin and has stood as a candidate, says he like the criminal Gipsy, Jewish Krays scum, also sound like he is an anarchist and is anti-Nazi, very strange indeed.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha, who put that about them 'also threatening the ITP'?

They're not even a one-man-and-his dog outfit now that Fiore has effed off with his money, it's just G.

But watch out, if your threaten G. he'll get his dad on to ya, he's a bit taller than that pipsqueak!

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha, who put that about them 'also threatening the ITP'?

They're not even a one-man-and-his dog outfit now that Fiore has effed off with his money, it's just G.

But watch out, if your threaten G. he'll get his dad on to ya, he's a bit taller than that pipsqueak!

Anonymous said...

How come the reds haven't mentioned Dave Howards trial in Leeds where he issued threats,caused grief and shouting racist abuse ?

They usually do !

It certainly fits in with their stereotype of dim knuckledragging ageing skinheads.

Anonymous said...

When Saddam Hussein got hanged the CUNTs pair,Williams and Howard were over the moon at this zionist murder.

Says a lot about them doesn't it ?

ES'S Rape victim said...

He looked at my cock in a pub toilet....

Anonymous said...

Odd couple 'Tammy' and 'Davina' are the nancyboys of cod-nationalism.

Real nationalism needs them like it needs a dose of the clap.

Anonymous said...

"When Saddam Hussein got hanged the CUNTs pair,Williams and Howard were over the moon at this zionist murder"

"Zionist" lol! Shia surely.

Saltdean Sofa Soaker said...

griffin has got himself another attack dog

Anonymous said...

Liverpool bodybuilder Out now and is looking for dem 2 Mothers!!!

A BODYBUILDING fanatic has won an appeal against an order banning him from Birkenhead.

Akinwale Arobieke, 44, was subjected to a Sexual Offenders’ Prevention Order (SOPO) banning him from touching young men’s muscles.

But within two months Arobieke, of Hornby Road, Walton, but formerly of Devonshire Road, Toxteth, had breached the order and in June was jailed for 18 months.

Liverpool Crown Court heard in the wake of his jail stretch police applied to city magistrates to extend his SOPO. They agreed to vary the conditions of the order, banning him from entering an area in Birkenhead.

Peter Weatherby, representing 6ft 5in Arobieke, said his client appealed the condition on the basis it was out of time.

He said there was a strict six-month time limit for a SOPO to be varied.

Judge Charles James said he formally allowed the appeal against the variation on the SOPO.

Anonymous said...

Saddam Hussein died a brave, and unlike that one eyed cunt gri££in, Saddam was a true nationalist.

Only those two fucking morons Tammy & Davagina could film themselves committing criminal acts and put it on the net

How you keeping Tammy you fucking cretin? be careful Tiger Woods might accidently uses your club foot to play a round of golf

Anonymous said...

when Akiwhakem catches up them fuckwits,hes gonna be feeling their sphincter muscles

Anonymous said...

tampax tammy and dippy davinia were playing at bnp security men. what a fucking sick joke ten tammys with number 9 club feet and ten davinias cant make half a man

Jimmy D's Fake Rev. Credentials said...

when we people wake up to Williams and Howard?

These shysters are doing the old c18 trick of trying to bully and spread bullshit.

like sargant they are state - and worse of all like 5IMon Darby, gri££in knows they are state and employs them to do his bidding.

nationalists really need to wake up to this kind of BS.

  Nigel Farage - the man who helped Nick Griffin take over the BNP in 1999. Thereby, destroying the BNP. The pic is of Nigel Farage on the r...