Monday, November 09, 2009

Extremist Labour MP politicises Remembrance Day service

MP Malik slams protests and extremists

VETERANS got together to mark the contribution of Dewsbury people in past conflicts and to show their support to serving troops.
MP Shahid Malik hosted the second annual veterans lunch at Dewsbury Town Hall, attended by more than 250 people.
And the MP used the event to heavily criticise two organisations which demonstrated in Leeds and London during in recent weeks.
He slammed Islam4UK who demonstrated in London and the English Defence League (EDL) who protested in Leeds.
Mr Malik also attacked the extremists in Luton who disrupted a military parade and shouted abuse at soldiers.
In his speech Mr Malik said that the UK was a multi-faith society and that was part of what made the UK the best country in the world.
Mr Malik concluded by saying that the true defenders of England were those present at the Town Hall event and veterans around the country were the true patriots.

The Dewsbury MP said: “It’s right that we celebrate the truly outstanding contribution that was made by so many local people both during past wars as well as current conflicts.”
During the event, guests were treated to refreshments and a light lunch while listening to a medley of wartime anthems from 40s singer Caroline Romley.
After lunch guests heard contributions from Veterans Minister Kevan Jones MP and Major David Wroe.

NWN: There doesn't seem to be any critical remarks by the Royal British Legion or other ex-Forces here about this disgraceful act by Malik. Politics should be kept out of stuff like this.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Some Nationalists have been sympathetic towards Dickey Bumbrook recently, as it appears he is being pushed out by Griffin. I wouldn't bother crying over this bi-sexual buffoon if I was you. The idiotic prick was spotted today campaigning in Scotland with his one-eyed master. If this embarrassment to London can't see he is being shafted by Griffin, he must be blind as well as completely stupid? You watch this queer speaking up to have non-whites enter our party at the conference on Saturday?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Griffin spotted grinning at cameras among the mourners in Wootton Bassett today, the shameless prick just treats it like another publicity stunt!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Griffin is lower than a piece of dog shit!!!! How dare he smerk at such a sad event!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

For a better understanding of to days problems.

Anonymous said...

Interesting news.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Off topic but well worth reading.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

More on gangsters.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Of Great interest.

Anonymous said...

Inside Britain's Israel Lobby (I expect it to be watered down)

'Dispatches investigates one of the most powerful and influential political lobbies in Britain, which is working in support of the interests of the State of Israel.

Despite wielding great influence among the highest realms of British politics and media, little is known about the individuals and groups which collectively are known as the pro-Israel lobby.

Political commentator Peter Oborne sets out to establish who they are, how they are funded, how they work and what influence they have, from the key groups to the wealthy individuals who help bankroll the lobbying.

He investigates how accountable, transparent and open to scrutiny the lobby is, particularly in regard to its funding and financial support of MPs.'

See here...

This program goes out on Monday 16th Of November 2009 @ 8pm

Anonymous said...

Join up the dots

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Part.1 Great Video should be headline on this blog.


Anonymous said...

Part.2. Great stuff.

TeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeHeeeeeeeeee and a heeee

Anonymous said...

Zionists spread there hate laws.

Anonymous said...

The conference will be a complete farce, Griffin has already got all his idiotic little shits lined up to speak at this stage-managed show, I hope somebody with some guts turns up to speak out, ( but a warning be prepared to get kicked out in the near future.) Griffin has stated he will hold the EGM in January (remember he's back in court on Thursday Jan 28th.) It's important that we pack that EGM out and speak up against his motion of admitting non-White into the BNP. The conference will be a mock run for his stooges to speak up for the motion at the EGM.

Anonymous said...

I thought the rag heads were now friends of Gri££in?

"Fury after BNP poppy wreath laid among Sikh tributes at Birmingham ceremony" : Birmingham News

Anonymous said...

Gri££in said we would come 3rd and save our deposit in the Glasgow by-election, he was wrong on both accounts. Our candidate Charlie Baillie on BBC news late last night interviewed at the count, indicated it was a forgone conclusion that blacks where to join the BNP and he thought it a good move! (More of this despicable attitude aired tomorrow at the conference I bet?)

Anonymous said...

Scott Mclean (then deputy chairman)
stood in Glasgow North East during the General Election in 2005 and got 920 votes, Bible Basher Baillie got just 93 more votes yesterday. Mclean was in the newspapers at the time with smear stoies against him, he is at least opening a Racial Nationalist. Let's just stick to our core politics and stop farting around with Griffin's stupid ideas?

Anonymous said...

If this vain bitch takes over, it's the end of the party!

Jean-Marie Le Pen's daughter to run for National Front leader

Associated Press in Paris 2nd November 2009

The daughter of far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen says she will attempt to succeed her father and run for head of France's National Front party. Marine Le Pen, the party's vice-president, says her father's successor will be chosen at the next party congress, probably next year. She said whoever is chosen would probably become the party's candidate in the 2012 presidential elections. Jean-Marie Le Pen shocked France by qualifying for the runoff of the 2002 presidential race. Voters put off by his extremist anti-immigrant views rallied behind Jacques Chirac, handing him a landslide victory.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thoroughly boring Eddy Butler states in the latest members' bulletin that "Misleading stories have been put about that the BNP's membership list has been leaked again." The terribly exciting Mr Butler then contradicts himself by saying : " nine separate lists have been publish online. While it is undoubtedly the case that some of the data has been stolen." Butler stop lying to us all, we are not your poor wife, who has had to put up with your crude lies and infidelities all her married life, we are a mature, educated membership. Who told you Butler to say this crap, your lord & master in Welshpool? I suppose that Gri££in thinks he can hoodwink new members with such utter nonsense and misinformation? I wonder if steady Eddy will be supporting Gri££in's motion tomorrow along with the rest of the herd?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Friday, November 13, 2009

On 13 November 2009, in the UK, it was announced that Gordon Brown's Labour Party had won the by-election in Glasgow North East.

The poll, in Labour's safest seat in Scotland, was caused by the resignation of the former Commons speaker, Michael Martin.

In 2005, Labour candidate Michael Martin took the seat with 15,153 votes. This time the Labour candidate, Willie Bain, took the seat with 12,231 votes.

The Scottish National Party came second with 4120 votes.

It is suspected that the Labour Party's Willie Bain may have benefited from vote fraud.

1. Police are investigating reports of voting fraud with multiple voting at polling stations.

At the St Denis's polling station, police were called in by staff after voters turned up to be told their vote has already been cast.

"We have had three incidents at polling stations today where voters turned up and their name had already been crossed off," said a council spokesman. (Labour wins Glasgow North East by-election )

2. The Scotsman claims that over 6,000 people registered for postal votes in Glasgow North East, which is 10 percent of eligible voters.

(Surely not that many people can be bed ridden or in absentia, even in Glasgow North East? - Electoral fraud)

3. The Scottish National Party's Alex Salmond "told the Guardian that he had been very surprised at the large number of late postal vote applications submitted in this campaign.

"Around 1,100 were made in the three days before applications closed." - SNP braced for second rigged byelection; defeat by Labour

4. "Glasgow City Council reported over 6000 registered postal votes, a rise of some 2000 over the last two months which accounts for 30% of votes cast, surely some kind of record in there too.

"Equally chilling is the revelation that over 4000 extra voters have been added to the electoral register in the last month, accounting for 25% of those that voted." -

Anonymous said...

It's just dawned on me, if the EGM is to be held in mid January, members attending will need to be carrying a current membership card for 2010? Incidentally has the posting for the above story about electoral fraud got a web address for that story, I can't find it on the web, it's not another Griffinite hoax I hope?

Anonymous said...

I've just spotted this on the extreme lefty website Indy Media about Arthur Benjamin Kemp, yes that's right Benjamin (well Jewish.) I thought Kemp's marriage is real, his wife is a real good looker. God only knows if there is any truth in all this Red gossip or they are just shit stirring? What is known is that the National Alliance in the US has been heavily infiltrated by the FBI, since Dr Pearce passed away.

Anonymous said...

This slippery Arthur Benjamin Kemp is an odd fellow, on his blog he says that his ex-wife Karen is giving him grief and has been contacting his and Griffin's mate Bep Nieuwhof, trying to cause trouble. Kemp also states he has got something on David Irving, which he will reveal at a latter stage. Why was the BBC documentary about Kemp dropped just before the Euro elections? Kemp claims he threaten to sue the programme makers. It all very strange and murky in the world Kemp inhabits?

Anonymous said...

I wonder what happened to Bible Basher Baillies attitude of not wanting any non-whites in the party?

He was obviously called back into room 101 for some retraining and sent back in time to tell people watching the election results that he would welcome anyone into the BNP.

Postal votes are the norm for fraud - you only have to look at Muslim politicians and their "followers" to see that.

Muslims take their voting cards into their local "friendly" mosque and their "Chief Carpet Kisser" fills it in for them! And they all have the same name anyhow!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Old Kemp is organising a bolt hole in America? I'm sure slippery Kemp is a state asset, why did they suppress the programme about him?

"THE BBC has been accused of “going soft” on the BNP by delaying the broadcast of a documentary until after next month’s European Parliament election.The forthcoming BBC Wales programme is understood to focus on Mr Kemp."

  Nigel Farage - the man who helped Nick Griffin take over the BNP in 1999. Thereby, destroying the BNP. The pic is of Nigel Farage on the r...