Sunday, March 29, 2009


Blue movies on expenses: How Jacqui Smith's husband watched pornographic movies... paid for by the taxpayer

113 allegations against MPs - and only one resolved by the invisible ombudsman


Anonymous said...

If I was married to that I'd watch blue movies. She really is a disgusting horrible nasty looking woman.

Anonymous said...

"nasty looking woman"
I think in this instance, what someone is like inside is more important. The modern political elites are hollow prostitute actors that constantly remind of Rothschild's "Give me control of a nation's currency and I care not who makes the laws". They are paid for, but sometimes their snouts go too far...

Simon Smith

Anonymous said...

but sometimes their snouts go too far...

Simon Smith

29 March 2009 13:34

She also claimed £550 for a kitchen sink and 98p for a plug!

I wish nationalism would pull its finger out so we can execute these greedy cu*nts

French Property Mogul said...

How much to Mr. Griffin get from the BNP coffers for the extension to his "small holding"?

How long has Griffin covered up for Collete's and Hannam's paedophiole proclivities?

The BNP can't condemn New labour for mirroring what the BNP does!!!

Richard Chadfield said...

French Property Mogul said...

How much to Mr. Griffin get from the BNP coffers for the extension to his "small holding"?

How long has Griffin covered up for Collete's and Hannam's paedophiole proclivities?

The BNP can't condemn New labour for mirroring what the BNP does!!!

29 March 2009 14:42
I don't think it is a case of New Labour (or old Labour) mirroring what the BNP does. I think it is a case of the BNP mirroring what Labour, Tory, Lib/Dem etc do. The unhappy truth is,in my view, that all political parties are rotten with corruption and utterley worthless and that includes the BNP under its current leadership.
A brief aside. If a wife claims to be unaware of her husbands sexual preferences are we to believe that she is a) stupid or b) a lier? In either case would we believe such a woman was fit for government office? I would'nt let such a woman (or if roles were reversed ,husband) near a parish council. (though ,of course, the electorate most likely would.)
Corruption is the defining characteristic of British ,and generally, western governments.Corruption ,as they say, spreads from the head down and this certainly appears to be a true saying since, to my eyes, western society is totally corrupt.
As for MP's expenses. Briefley, all that I can say is abolish them completley. Backbench MPs receive about ,I think, sixty thousand pounds a year salary. that is over one thousand pounds a week. Thats enough in my book.
Richard Chadfield

Anonymous said...



baz said...

The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.

From Animal Farm - George Orwell

  Don Black of STORMFRONT's son. Oh dear ! R Derek Black, the son of Don Black, has come out as 'trans', and even gone over to t...