Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sarkozy blames Anglo saxons for economic crisis

Nicolas Sarkozy’s threat to walk out of global summit

Anglo-Saxon gibe strains relations with Obama (Why ? Obama can hardly be called Anglo saxon !)

President Sarkozy yesterday threatened to wreck the London summit if France’s demands for tougher financial regulation are not met.

France will not accept a G20 that produces a “false success with language that sounds good but contains no commitments”, his advisers said.

Asked if this meant a possible walk-out, Xavier Musca, Mr Sarkozy’s deputy chief of staff for economic affairs, said: “A basic rule with nuclear deterrence is that you do not say at what point you will use the weapon.”

The French threat dramatically raised the temperature hours before President Obama arrives in London today. If carried through, it would ruin a summit for which Mr Brown and Mr Obama have high ambitions, believing it vital to international recovery.

Mr Sarkozy, who blames the “Anglo-Saxons” for causing the economic crisis, told his ministers last week that he would leave Mr Brown’s summit “if it does not work out”.

A deal to tighten regulation will be one of the key features of the G20 accord but France wants a global financial regulator, an idea fiercely opposed by the United States and Britain. Mr Brown has described the notion as ridiculous.

Germany and other nations are reported to be against a global regulator and sources said that President Sarkozy must know that the proposal would not make progress.

Instead, countries will agree that their national regulators should cooperate more. So-called colleges of supervisors are likely to be established to monitor the activities of companies that operate in several countries.

British officials said it looked as if Mr Sarkozy was picking a fight he could present as a victory back home.

Mr Sarkozy’s threat underlines the emerging splits between world leaders. Germany and France have led opposition to plans to coordinate public spending, championed by the Administration of President Obama.

The importance of action to ease the economic decline will be underlined today by a report from the OECD, the umbrella group for Western democracies. It now expects the economies of its 30 member nations to slump by 4.3 per cent this year, against the 0.4 per cent drop that it forecast last November.

The group also warns that unemployment will reach 10 per cent by next year in most developed nations.


Note : This is chutzpah of the highest order ! Sarkozy is a jew. The banks are mainly jewish.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Opportunity Knocks!

Ahead of G20 summit, council told to switch off illegal £15m CCTV network

The security operation at this week's G20 summit was thrown into chaos last night when it emerged that the entire network of central London's wireless CCTV cameras will have to be turned off because of a legal ruling.

The Department for Transport (DfT) has ruled that Westminster council's mobile road cameras - a third of the authority's CCTV network - "do not fully meet the resolution standards required" and must be switched off by midnight tomorrow.

The blackout begins on the eve of the summit, when world leaders arrive in the capital and protesters take to the streets.

The council only discovered last week that images from its newly installed £15m traffic cameras do not meet the quality required under the Traffic Management Act, which comes into force on 1 April.

In an urgently drafted letter seen by the Guardian and hand-delivered to the transport secretary, Geoff Hoon, on Friday, the council warns its entire network of wireless cameras will need to be shut down unless the minister finds a way to give special dispensation. "This would have a serious impact on our ability to manage our road network safely, as well as impeding our community protection efforts," the letter states.

It adds: "We are seeking authorisation from DfT as a matter of urgency to enable Westminster to continue using its digital CCTV network."

Five ANTIFA activists arrested

Five activists arrested in G20 'bomb plot' as London goes into lockdown for world leaders

Five people suspected of terrorist offences are being questioned by police today in connection with an alleged plot to target the G20 summit.

Three men and two women have been arrested under the Terrorism Act in Plymouth over the last three days after officers uncovered a cache of weapons and suspected extremist material during a house search.

They are being questioned over claims they planned to target the meeting of the world's most powerful political leaders in London later this week.

The five were held after officers found weapons, imitation weapons, suspicious devices and 'material relating to political ideology' during a house search, a police spokesman said.

The arrests will heighten tensions ahead of this week's summit in London.

A massive police operation is in place to protect the world leaders, including President Obama who is due to arrive in the capital tomorrow.

The alleged plot was uncovered after officers conducted a series of raids following the arrest of a 25-year-old man on suspicion of criminal damage on Friday evening.

As police searched his home they found the weapons and suspected extremist material.

Several suspicious devices were also seized and sent for detailed forensic examination.

Three people at the property were arrested for drugs offences. Further investigations led police to a 19-year-old man who was arrested yesterday.

Friday, March 27, 2009

BNP Nurse ban looming

Call for nurses to be banned from joining BNP at conference

Call for nurses to be banned from joining BNP at conference

27 March, 2009 By Richard Staines
Nurses and health staff from the union Unison are to debate whether registered nurses should be banned from joining the far-right British National Party (BNP) at a conference next month.
Police are already banned from joining the BNP because of fears that its extreme political views will affect officers’ conduct.

However the publication of a list last year of BNP members showed that several practising and former nurses were members of the party.

The motion, ‘BNP policy is incompatible with nursing’, to be debated at next month’s Health Group Annual Conference in Harrogate in April.

It reminds nurses that the Nursing and Midwifery Council code stipulates that nurses should never discriminate against people under their care.

The motion says: ‘Membership of the BNP is wholly incompatible with public service, and this is especially so for Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors who have a unique role in caring for vulnerable people on a daily basis.’

It calls for the government to raise the issue with government and the four Departments of Health to establish legal powers to prevent BNP members and members of other racist groups from employment in nursing roles.

They should ensure that standards within the Improving Working Lives initiative are tightened to take account of the importance of diversity, the motion says.

If the motion succeeds, the union will also press the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) to support its call for legislation on this issue and issue interim advice to registered nurses of the standards expected of them.

Has there ever been a case of nurses discriminating against those in their care?

Panic on the streets of London

As the G20 draws near we have gathered together some quotes from those attending.

"The Summer of Rage Starts Here!"

"Putting working class anger first"

"Solidarity is not a word but a weapon"

-Guerilla News Network-

"2009 is our summer of rage"

-Class War-

"if you look at the comments on this piece in the Standard’s THIS IS LONDON website most of them are in support of the ideas of anarchists rioting in the city! Quite a change in attitude in the last few months!"

-Ian Bone-

"The G20 police operation is expected to be the most expensive in British history, with the bill reaching up to £8 million."

-Met Police-

"Demonstrators will demand that all lights in the buildings are switched off to mark “Earth Hour”, an international event that falls on 8.30pm on Saturday, during which to businesses and home owners are encouraged to reduce their energy use to highlight the damage caused by global warming.

According to one protest organiser: “If they don’t turn them off, we will do it for them”."

"G20 Meltdown group organising the siege of the Bank of England on 1 April"

-G20 Meltdown-

"We are their crisis"

"A day of fucking up the summit and other adventures. Be warned. Be aware. Be ready!"

-London Anarchists-


If any nationalists are attending please send us your photos

Thursday, March 26, 2009

More Oppression

Sir David Jason forced to say sorry after making a 'racist' joke on live radio

It was meant to be a bit of harmless fun.

But when Sir David Jason made a joke about Pakistanis on a live radio show some didn't see the funny side.

Last night, the award-winning actor found himself accused of making inappropriate remarks and being out of touch with reality after his joke on Christian O'Connnell's Breakfast Show.

The 69-year-old star was appearing on the Who's Calling Christian feature - where celebrities ring Absolute Radio with a chance to win £20,000 for charity.

Sir David, best known for his role as the gaffe-prone Del Boy in Only Fools and Horses, got into hot water when he was asked to leave a question for the next guest.

He replied: 'What do you call a Pakistani cloakroom attendant?' Following a pause, he then delivered the punchline: 'Me hat, me coat.'

It is a play on words around the name of the political and spiritual leader Mahatma Gandhi - who was from India, not Pakistan.

There was a stunned silence from O'Connell, who added: 'No more jokes like that!' before Sir David came up with a genuine question about Ronnie Barker's early career.

Fat cats in terror

Fat cats in terror after anti-capitalists attack Fred the Shred's home
Security will be stepped up around fat-cat bankers after the home of disgraced former RBS boss Sir Fred Goodwin was targeted by vandals.

A statement claiming to be from the group responsible for damage at his £3million mansion warned of further attacks, saying: 'This is just the beginning.'

The threat sparked fears of a terror campaign against those blamed for the collapse in the financial system.

Brown spooked by the markets: PM accused of heading down 'the road to hell'
In London: Investors won't buy our bonds

In Europe: PM accused of heading down 'the road to hell'

Gordon Brown is in retreat on his Budget plans amid signs of City alarm over the soaring level of Government borrowing.

He pulled back from another debt-fuelled giveaway to kickstart the economy after Tuesday's intervention from the Governor of the Bank of England.

Downing Street insisted there was no rift between Mr Brown and Mervyn King over his bombshell claim that Britain cannot afford another 'fiscal stimulus'.

But the Governor appeared to have spooked the markets when it emerged that a routine sale of Government bonds fell short yesterday.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

BNP Kendal

Arrest following BNP disturbance
4:07pm Wednesday 25th March 2009

A TEENAGER has been arrested following an altercation with British National Party campaigners in Kendal town centre.
Police attended reports of a disturbance in the marketplace at 1pm, where BNP members had set up a campaign stall in front of the war memorial.
A 19-year-old man from Barrow has been charged with affray.
Anyone who witnessed the incident is asked to call PC Simon Eyres at Kendal Police on 0845 3300 247.


THERE have been angry scenes in Kendal after the British National Party (BNP) set up a campaign stall in front of the war memorial.
Police were called to the scene on Stricklandgate after an altercation between BNP leafleters and members of the public.
A spokesman for the BNP said the party were planning to field candidates in each of Cumbria’s districts, including South Lakeland, during the forthcoming local elections.
For full story and reaction, see Friday’s Westmorland Gazette.

Monday, March 23, 2009


We proudly present the hammer wielding nutters who are ANTIFA

The ANTIFA website requests donations to:

Yes, we need your dosh! Money raised by Antifa goes towards fighting the fascists, both here and in mainland Europe. We have no paid staff or employees - all the money raised goes into our grassroots activities.
If you want to make a donation, please send either stamps or blank postal orders to
The Cable Street Society 145-149 Cardigan Road Leeds LS6 1LJ.
Please DO NOT cross the postal orders - that means we can't cash them!"

A quick search of Companies House reveals the following:
Name & Registered Office: CARDIGAN CENTRE
Company No. 02608879

Status: Active Date of Incorporation: 09/05/1991Country of Origin: United Kingdom

Company Type: PRI/LBG/NSC/S.30 (Private, limited by guarantee, no share capital, section 30 of the Companies Act) Nature of Business (SIC(03)):7512 - Regulation health, education, etc.

Accounting Reference Date: 31/03
Last Accounts Made Up To: 31/03/2008
(FULL)Next Accounts Due: 31/01/2010
Last Return Made Up To: 09/05/2008
Next Return Due: 06/06/2009

Previous Names:
No previous name information has been recorded over the last 20 years.

288b 12/02/2009 DIRECTOR RESIGNED NAOMI MORRILL (Terence Higgins Trust)
288b 09/01/2009 DIRECTOR RESIGNED LAURA KILFOYLE (Priority Neighbourhood Development Worker. South Leeds Health For All)
288a 28/10/2008 DIRECTOR APPOINTED ALICE CUDWORTH (Associate President Welfare & Equality Leeds Metropolitan University)
288b 21/10/2008 DIRECTOR RESIGNED DERREN CRESSWELL (http://www.miro.co.uk/)(http://www.facebook.com/people/Derren-Cresswell/570064001)
288c 09/05/2008 DIRECTOR'S PARTICULARS LAURA KILEOYLE (http://www.leedsahead.org.uk/team/profile/23)
288a 10/04/2008 DIRECTOR APPOINTED NIRANJAN VAKHARIA (Chairman Leeds Hindu Temple)
AA 05/10/2007 FULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/03/07
363s 15/06/2007 ANNUAL RETURN MADE UP TO 09/05/07
AA 29/11/2006 FULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/03/06
363s 06/06/2006 ANNUAL RETURN MADE UP TO 09/05/06
288b 26/05/2006 DIRECTOR RESIGNED
288b 03/02/2006 DIRECTOR RESIGNED
AA 14/10/2005 FULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/03/05
363s 08/06/2005 ANNUAL RETURN MADE UP TO 09/05/05
288b 21/04/2005 DIRECTOR RESIGNED
AA 29/10/2004 FULL ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/03/04
288b 28/10/2004 DIRECTOR RESIGNED
288b 29/06/2004 DIRECTOR RESIGNED

Does anyone have more information on the above?
Image thanks to 'Google Street View'
Please email or telephone Danny Slevin and ask him why he rents out space to potential killers. The email address is below.
Information about Work Base Tenancies

The Cardigan Centre encourages the developement of small businesses and community enterprises through letting out offices on three year leases. This enables tenants to establish activities which further the aims and objectives of the Cardigan Centre and which improve the quality of life for local people.

Each office has central heating, a telephone point, electric sockets, and a sink. Tenants supply their own furniture.

Three year leases are offered, allowing tenants to establish their businesses before moving to other premises.

Rent and service charge: Monthly rent is from £140 upwards, depending on the office size. A service charge covers the tenant's share of the operation and upkeep of the centre, such as lighting, heating, maintenance and caretaking. This is approximately £95 per month.

Office Services available: Message taking, mail box and mail out, typing, computer based work, a fax machine, a photocopier and other office services are available at the Resource Centre.

Building facilities: Multi purpose meeting rooms and a kitchen may be hired by the hour. Please see our Room Hire section for further details.

Car parking: A free car park is available for tenants.

Access details: Level access to the front door. The Front doors are automatic and open outwards from the outside by pressing a metal pad, and automatically by sensor from the inside. A lift is available to the first floor. Both floors are level throughout. There is a ground floor unisex toilet for wheel chair users

For Further Information

Please contact Danny Slevin on 0113 275 9282,
or email office@cardigancentre.org.uk

More LABOUR Insanity

60,000 civilians to get lessons in how to spot terrorists as Jacqui Smith warns of random attacks

Sixty thousand civilians are being trained to spot terrorists, Gordon Brown revealed yesterday.
In the latest Labour anti-terror initiative, huge numbers of staff on rail networks, at airports, shopping centres, public buildings and sports venues have been picked out by MI5 and the police to be taught how to watch for 'suspicious behaviour' and respond swiftly in the event of an atrocity.

The Home Office plans are likely to raise questions over the effectiveness of an army of amateur 'terrorist-watchers'.

There are fears they will swamp the police and security services with spurious alerts or single out law-abiding British Muslims, which could also inflame religious tensions.

Citing security grounds, the Home Office would not provide details of the training, which MI5 helped to draw up, beyond that it centred on improved vigilance and response to terrorist attacks, including evacuation and crowd-control procedures.

Writing in a Sunday newspaper, the Prime Minister said the public 'should be under no illusion' that 'the biggest security threat to our country and other countries is the murderous agents of hate that work under the banner of Al Qaeda'.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


'You are fighting a religious war against gentiles': What rabbis told Israeli soldiers in Gaza war

Rabbis in the Israeli army told battlefield troops in January's Gaza offensive that they were fighting a 'religious war' against gentiles, it has been revealed.

An army commander wrote of the shocking command in an Israeli newspaper today - one day after it emerged that Israeli soldiers were told they could kill innocent civilians during the war.

'Their message was very clear: we are the Jewish people, we came to this land by a miracle, God brought us back to this land and now we need to fight to expel the gentiles who are interfering with our conquest of this holy land,' the commander said.

The account by Ram, a pseudonym to shield the soldier's identity, was published by the left-leaning Haaretz newspaper in the second day of revelations that have rocked the Israeli military.
They were leaked from a February 13 meeting of armed forces members to share their Gaza experiences.

Some veterans, alumni of an Israel Defence Force (IDF) military academy, told of the killing of civilians and their impression that deep contempt for Palestinians pervaded the ranks of the Israeli forces.

The institution's director, Danny Zamir, confirmed that Thursday's published accounts were authentic.

In longer excerpts in its Friday 'Week's End' edition, the daily quoted 'Ram' as saying his impression of the 22-day operation was 'the feeling of an almost religious mission'.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

NWN salutes Squadron leader Doug Tidy

One of the last of the Few, World War II Spitfire pilot Squadron leader Doug Tidy has publicly announced his membership of and support for the British National Party.

“I was proud to have fought for this nation during World War II and by joining the BNP, I am still fighting for the freedom and identity of the British people,” Wing Commander Tidy said.

Speaking at the latest BNP’s Battle for Britain road show held in the South West last night, Wing Commander Tidy confirmed that he was now one of three World War II Spitfire pilots who had joined the BNP.

All you need to know about immigration

All you need to know about immigration in Britain today

With schools struggling to teach increasing numbers of foreign children, and reports suggesting the population of Britain will be 70 million by 2028, Alasdair Palmer explains why we are facing an immigration crisis

English is not the first language of more than half a million pupils in Britain's primary schools. The language spoken at home by 567,888 children aged between four and 11 could be any one of the hundreds of foreign languages now used by migrants from across the globe who have settled in this country.

No one should be surprised by the statistic, because it is a straightforward consequence of the enormous amount of migration into Britain over the past decade: the more foreigners who come here to live, the more of their children will be educated in British schools – and the more our schools will have to deal with pupils whose first language is not English or who do not speak it at all.

Nevertheless, practically everyone was surprised by the statistic, even though the Government has stated that around 190,000 migrants arrive in Britain every year and the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has said that Britain's population will increase, as a result of migration, by seven million over the next 20 years. We've been told often enough that we're going through a period of immigration on a scale unprecedented in our history, but the facts do not seem to have sunk in.

Part of the explanation for that may be the extent to which Government ministers can seem determined to sow confusion about what those facts are. Last week, for instance, Phil Woolas, the Immigration Minister, insisted at a hearing of the Commons Committee on Home Affairs that the ONS predictions were wrong: the number of migrants would diminish in the near future.

It is not clear what basis he had for making that claim. He certainly did not provide any evidence for it – which may explain why there is almost no expert in the field who agrees with him. It is now more or less universally recognised that the net inflow of people to Britain (the number who arrive, minus the number who leave) every year is 190,000, and there is no reason to think that figure will diminish in the near future unless the Government takes drastic action.

It means that the population of Britain will be 70 million by 2028. Frank Field and Nicholas Soames, two MPs from the Cross-Party Group on Balanced Migration, are unequivocal about the seriousness of the situation, even if Mr Woolas is not. "We are," they say, "facing a population crisis."

The reason why people from developing countries want to live here is obvious: life is better here than in the impoverished countries from which they came. But that is true of all the developed economies of Europe. All are much better places in which to live than the nations of Africa, for instance, or the Indian subcontinent.

So what explains why so many immigrants target Britain, and why there are such queues at the Sangatte centre in France to get across the Channel to England?

Word has got out that Britain is more hospitable to immigrants than other European countries – which it is. The legacy of empire means we are more used to receiving them and are more willing to integrate them. One of the great virtues of the British people is their tolerance. Our society is much less closed to outsiders than most countries of continental Europe. It is easier to get a job here – less restrictive employment legislation means it is easier to fire people, so employers are more willing to hire migrants they can pay less in the first place. British employers are less suspicious of foreigners than their counterparts in countries such as Italy or France.

Add the fact that it is easier for immigrants who arrive here to claim benefits, get council housing and access health and education services for themselves and their children and it becomes clear why Britain is a target for migrants.

Understandably, many migrants are desperate and will use any means they can to ensure they can settle here. From 1997 to 2002, it seemed that claiming asylum – claiming that you are a refugee fleeing persecution – was the most effective way of gaining the right to settle here. In 2002, 84,000 people claimed asylum. Add their dependents and the number was more than 100,000. The majority had their claims rejected, but very few of them were deported: most were allowed to stay, even if they were not given an officially recognised right to do so.
Since then, the Government has taken steps to tighten up the asylum system, and last year fewer than 22,000 people claimed asylum in Britain. But the proportion of asylum-seekers who are deported after their claim is rejected remains tiny, so asylum-seekers remain a significant source of migrants.

The migrants' desire to get into Britain is only half the story of why so many are here. The other half is the explanation of why the Government decided to let so many migrants into Britain. For the past 12 years, Labour has been convinced that allowing high levels of immigration should be a policy priority, and it has taken steps to ensure that it is relatively easy for migrants to get permanent, legally recognised residence here. Why has Labour done that?

In 1997, Tony Blair and his Cabinet had several reasons for wishing to increase the number of immigrants into Britain. One was that they perceived an electoral advantage. The outcome of elections in an increasing number of constituencies was, and is, dictated in large part by the votes from relatively recent immigrants. People who have moved here from, say, the Indian subcontinent understandably hated the rules that prevented their families joining them in Britain.

The most onerous of those rules was known as "the primary purpose rule", which was imposed by the Conservatives in 1993. It required that someone wishing to follow his or her spouse into Britain to prove that "the marriage was not entered into primarily to obtain admission to the UK". Proving a negative, as the rule obliged the candidate to do, was extremely difficult, and large numbers of spouses were refused entry into Britain as a result.

Labour abolished that rule soon after the election in 1997. The move was extremely popular in immigrant communities, because it made it far easier for families to move here. Immigration by spouses into Britain has increased by 50 per cent since the primary purpose rule was abolished. More than 40,000 people were granted citizenship here on the basis of marriage in 2008 alone.

Equally important – indeed, perhaps more important – in persuading Labour to adopt a much more relaxed immigration policy was the belief among many ministers and advisers that Britain's economy would flourish if only there were to be large-scale immigration here. When he was Home Secretary, David Blunkett said there was "no natural limit" to the number of migrants that Britain could absorb. And his successor, Charles Clarke, was also frank about his desire for "more immigrants".

Government reports and press releases trumpeted the miraculous economic benefits of immigration: high levels of immigration would boost prosperity very significantly by increasing Britain's gross domestic product (the measure of how much the country produces every year); it would ensure an end to labour and skills shortages; it would enable the NHS and other public services to grow at a faster rate by using cheaper immigrant labour; and it would help Britain to avoid the "pensions time-bomb" created by an ageing population by adding a whole new tier of youthful and energetic workers.

That is why Labour drastically increased the number of work permits it issued to migrants wishing to come to Britain. In 1997, 40,000 work permits were issued. More than 130,000, or over three times as many, were issued in 2008.

The consensus that migration offers large economic benefits to Britain has proved to be wrong on every point. A committee of the House of Lords, made up of economists and ex-finance ministers, published a definitive investigation into the issue almost exactly one year ago, on April 1 2008. The report, The Economic Impact of Migration, stated bluntly that "overall GDP, which the Government has persistently emphasised, is an irrelevant and misleading criterion for assessing the economic impacts of immigration on the UK. The total size of an economy is not an index of prosperity. The focus of analysis should be on the effects of immigration on income per head of the resident population. Both theory and the available empirical evidence indicate that these are small."

The additional income generated by immigrants is not much bigger – and may in fact be smaller – than the number of people they have added to the UK's population, so they do not increase prosperity to any significant degree.

The Lords' report went through the other claims made for the economic benefits for immigration and dismantled them one by one. "Immigration is unlikely to be an effective tool for reducing labour and skill shortages," the report stated, providing copious evidence for its claim. It stressed that immigrants, although they performed an important role within public services such as the NHS, were not in fact necessary to the functioning of those services: native British labour could have, and still could, perform the same role.

The report pointed out that immigration cannot defuse "the pensions time-bomb", since immigrants themselves grow old and need pensions. And it concluded that there was "no evidence for the argument made by the Government that immigration generates significant economic benefits for the existing UK population".

In fact, there is some evidence that immigration means that the least-educated portion of the workforce is less well-off, since immigration provides a competing supply of labour prepared to do the least pleasant and worst-paid jobs for even less money.

Labour ministers seem to have given very little thought to other, non-economic consequences of large-scale immigration: the pressure on schools, the NHS and other public services.
The increased pressure on housing, particularly council housing, has been an enormous source of resentment for native-born Britons who thought they were in line for a council house, only to be bypassed in favour of recent immigrants, because the officials allocating council houses decided that those immigrants had greater needs: they had more children.

There hasn't been an in-depth study of the effect of immigration on council housing, but the effect on the availability of council houses to native, working-class Britons has certainly been perceived by that group to be dire.

These are very hard to assess because they are hard to measure. But one result familiar from research into communities in the US that have experienced a sudden influx of large numbers of immigrants has been a diminution of trust. Immigrant communities tend not to mix, either with other immigrants or with residents of the host country. The result is a mosaic of tightly knit groups that do not integrate with each other and do not trust each other. The idea that the nation is a community based on reciprocal obligation suffers.

The texture of communities changes. Some people like those changes. Others do not. The changes are not confined to the appearance of ethnic restaurants or men and women who wear different clothes. An influx of people who are fundamentalist about their religion, for example, can mean that some of them do not accept ideas that mainstream Britain takes for granted: the primacy of secular over divine law; the equality of women with men; and the importance of the freedom to change your religion without persecution. How to ensure that immigrants adopt "British values" is a problem the Government has thought long and hard about – but has not solved.

The Government appears to be in the process of recognising that a continued influx of migrants at the rate of 190,000 every year for the indefinite future is not going to be beneficial to Britain. Ministers have introduced a points system for the granting of work permits. The trouble with that system is that it will only reduce the number of migrants by 5 per cent a year – and if the Government wants to stop Britain's population from reaching 70 million in the next 20 years, it will have to reduce the number of migrants by 75 per cent.

What could be done? Parliament's Cross-Party Group on Balanced Migration suggests that economic migration should be clearly separated from settlement. At the moment, after five years of working in Britain, you have the right to settle here permanently. The Cross-Party Group recommends abolishing that right, which would have a significant impact on numbers.
Three other policies that would have an effect would be: re‑introducing some version of the primary purpose rule to diminish the number of spouses coming to Britain; increasing the number of failed asylum-seekers that are deported; and increasing the checks and controls on our borders.

None of these policies will be easy to implement, and all of them will have some very harsh consequences for would-be migrants to Britain, their spouses and their children. But the party that adopts them will gain electoral support: the evidence is that the British people are extremely concerned about the present levels of immigration and want to see them drastically reduced.


We've all known the above for many years but we don't wish to deny the Telegraph their 15 minutes of fame.


This way to Britain: Unmasked, the sinister Mr Fixit sneaking illegal immigrants to Britain in the back of lorries

His face masked, he lies in wait as freight lorries approach the ferry terminal at Calais.
Crawling along at 5mph, they are easy targets for the man known as the Doorman to Britain.
He dashes out of the bushes and tries to wrench open the lorries' rear doors. Usually they are locked but every now and again he gets lucky.

And when he does, a crowd of immigrants are waiting to pile into the unsuspecting truck driver's vehicle, hoping that at last they've found a way to sneak into Britain.

The Doorman was plying his trade on Thursday night, when he was seen trying at least four trucks before he found a Dutch lorry with its back door open and summoned his 'clients'.
Each one has paid around £500 for help in getting across the Channel.


Friday, March 20, 2009

Nicholas Soames in battle with BNP for using Churchill to promote party

Tory MP Nicholas Soames is fighting the British National Party to stop them using his grandfather Winston Churchill's face on one of its promotion leaflets.

Mr Soames said he was taking "all possible steps" to prevent the far-right wing party using the wartime prime minister's image on a leaflet entitled "This Britain is Yours!".

The 61-year-old said he was "disgusted" by the BNP's use of a photograph of his grandfather to push its so-called Battle For Britain election campaign.

However, the BNP has refused to remove the picture, claiming that Churchill had "strong views on immigration" and would have voted for them were he still alive.
The leaflet, handed out to people across Britain, states: "Millions of our ancestors gave their lives to ensure you have the freedom to enjoy."

It then declares in capital letters "YOUR COUNTRY YOUR LAND YOUR HOME", before continuing "Do not betray their sacrifice!".

Mr Soames, MP for Mid Sussex, said: "I am outraged and appalled by the use of the picture by the BNP.

"They have no right to use my grandfather's name, who would have thought them a vile bunch.
"I am taking what steps I can and so is my family to see what can be done to prevent the name being used.

"I deplore the BNP action. It is a disgrace and I hope that anyone who looks at the adverts will find them repulsive."

Simon Darby, the deputy leader of the BNP, refused to amend the leaflet.
He said: "Mr Soames can sing and dance all he likes, we will not be removing Winston Churchill from our campaign.

"If Winston was around today he would be deemed a racist. He had some very strong views on immigration and if he was here today and had a choice of voting Tory or BNP I think he'd vote for us.

"I think he would be ashamed of the Tory party and would not be very happy with what has happened to this country.

"He would have more in common with the BNP than with the Tories, that's for sure."

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Labour refuses to pay for veterans

As Labour refuses to pay for veterans' return to Normandy beaches, an invitation to go into battle for our D-Day heroes

A huge wave of support is gathering for D-Day veterans desperate to attend the 65th anniversary of the Normandy landings.

As revealed by the Daily Mail, the Government has shamefully decided to ignore the event, with no plans for ministers or the Royal Family to attend.

The Ministry of Defence has rejected requests for financial aid to survivors and says there will be no further official commemoration of D-Day until its centenary - when all those involved will be dead.

To compound the farce, the American and Canadian governments are sending top-level delegations to mark the momentous date.

Even the Germans will join the commemorations and remember the fallen on both sides.
Today, the Mail launches a campaign to honour and support the 500 remaining veterans' cause.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

'Third World NHS'

Twelve NHS trusts face inquiries after report on 'third world' hospital where up to 1,200 patients could have died needlessly

Dehydrated patients were forced to drink out of flower vases at a hospital where hundreds could have died because of 'appalling' care, says a damning report.

Desperate relatives slept overnight in chairs at the Staffordshire General Hospital providing basic care for their loved ones, while other patients were left in soiled linen on filthy wards.
Conditions were described as 'Third World' by campaigners who have been fighting for months to get an inquiry.

The 'shocking' details of a catalogue of failures were released today after an independent investigation into the treatment of emergency patients by the Healthcare Commission.
It found Government waiting time targets and a bid to win foundation status were pursued at the expense of patient safety over at least a three-year period at the trust.

But campaigners claimed the lapses may go back much further and could be happening elsewhere in the NHS.

Health Secretary Alan Johnson pledged high-level reviews of current A&E services at the Trust and standards prior to the investigation.

He said 'I have asked the National Quality Board to ensure that the early warning system for clinical under performance is working effectively across the whole of the NHS.'

The Commission's report found an excess of between 400 and 1,200 deaths over what would have been expected at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust, based on statistical calculations, as revealed in today's Daily Mail.


Tell Alex what you think

The BNP's attacks on Marxists are truly rich
Posted By: Alex Singleton at Mar 17, 2009 at 19:40:00 [General]
Posted in: Politics , Three Line Whip
British National Party, economic isolationism, Protectionism
How does the British National Party have the effrontery to criticise Marxists (which it does regularly)? The BNP's own economically illiterate platform is no better than its send-them-home policy, for which it is infamous.

The party's economic policies make me wonder how many party hacks have read an economic textbook, because I can't find any evidence that anyone in the party understands the subject.

The party demands "the selective exclusion of foreign-made goods from British markets and the reduction of foreign imports" - a guaranteed way to make Britain poorer. After all, it is the greater efficiencies and lower prices that imports bring that make us rich.

Yet the BNP believes that their economic isolationism will bring unemployment "to an end, and secure, well-paid employment will flourish". The empirical evidence disagrees: free trade raises wages, while protectionism depresses them.

Equally ghastly is the BNP's use of the "British jobs for British workers" slogan, failing to recognise the huge economic boost provided by Polish migrants over the past few years.

Together, the BNP's policies give it little credibility in attacking Marxists. And for a party claiming to stand up for Britain, its impoverishing platform ought, for its members, to be an embarassment.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

£50 migrant tax to fend off the BNP

Foreign workers and students from outside the European Union will have to pay £50 when they arrive in Britain to help ease the impact of their stay on public services.

The new "migrant tax," to be announced this week, will be levied on the thousands of immigrants applying for a work or study visas from non-EU states, from Australian bar staff to Rhodes scholars and Premiership footballers.

It is expected to raise £70 million over the next few years, with the funds earmarked for councils struggling to cope with the impact of mass immigration on services such as doctors' surgeries and schools.

Ministers hope that acknowledging the strain caused by immigration in some areas will stop voters being tempted by the British National Party at the European elections in May.

Job centre crisis as ten bid for each vacancy

Startling new figures have revealed that on average there are 10 jobseekers for every vacancy advertised in the UK. In one area of the south-east, 60 workers are available for each job.

This week, as unemployment is expected to burst through the 2 million barrier, The Observer can reveal that the spectre of mass unemployment is forcing the government to reinforce job centres, with civil servants diverted from child maintenance and disability claims.

Already 600 staff working for the Child Support Agency, which has been renamed the Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission, and 300 Pensions, Disability and Carers Service staff have been asked to work with the growing number of unemployed, to the anger of charities.
The full extent of the jobs misery is shown in a nationwide analysis by the TUC. In some parts of the country, the task facing jobseekers is critical. The Isle of Wight has more unemployed workers per new job than any other area. In total, there are 3,152 people chasing 52 advertised vacancies, as its main industries of tourism and manufacturing suffer from the credit crunch.

"These shocking figures blow out of the water the government's claim that there are plenty of jobs available for people who are prepared to look," said Brendan Barber, the TUC general secretary.

As unemployment has risen in recent months, Gordon Brown and James Purnell, the work and pensions secretary, have stressed the large number of job opportunities available, but the research shows that they are heavily outnumbered by unemployed workers. When Twycross Zoo in Leicestershire held a recruitment day recently to hire 150 staff, it attracted a crowd of up to 3,000 people.

- Aspiring Brit-Führer Griffin’s visit to the town is seen off by Anti-Fascists!''
- Nazi ‘flying’ stormtroopers get ‘hammering’ from AFA!
- Local Anti-fascists say “Don’t come back!
“Master race, you’re having a laugh!” was just one of the many chants that taunted BNP Boot Boys, previously wielding crowbars, truncheons and baseball bats in Leigh town centre, as they were forced, underPolice protection, to tow away their wrecked Landrover, which was literally ‘hammered’ by a larger force of similarly tooled-up anti-fascists from the AFA.
The AFA also over turned the Liverpool BNPBranch’s “Save Our Culture” trailer it was towing, which blocked traffic on St. Helens Road for almost an hour.

So much for the BNP’s ‘Battle for Britain’ Roadshow to raise money for aspiring Brit-Führer Nick Griffin’s Euro election campaign in theNorth West. Looking at the damage to their Landrover, that fundraising went into reverse in Leigh on the evening of Friday the 13th March 2009.

Having got wind of the anti-fascist mobilisation against their proposed ‘private fundraising event’ the previous day (the event was originally scheduled to take place at the Pure Night Club on West Bridgewater Street on Friday evening with Nick Griffin billed as the main speaker), the BNP leader failed to show his face in the town whatsoever.
Indeed according to BNP sources, spoke instead at a St.Helens venue which is 7 miles away.
Whether he did or not is immaterial in reality.
What we showed the BNP’s boot boys who did come to Leigh, is that any attempt by them to move into our area will be resisted and that they shouldn’t ever try and come back.

The response to the appeals issued by myself and others, from students from Salford University and the Salford Left Forum, United Against Fascism, the AFA and from local anti-fascists, including members of the Socialist Workers’ Party, Socialist Party, Community Action Party, Labour Party and Respect, at such short notice was tremendous, so much so in fact that the anti-fascist forces were able to successfully see off four of their nazi ‘flying’ storm troopers - who were just about to attack those assembling for the anti-fascist counter protest, and give their Landrover, trailer (and one of theBNP thugs) something of a ‘hammering’ in the process.
They certainly left Leigh with their tails between their legs, with many shouting after them as they left “….and don’t come back!”

Well done everyone.
Think we can rightly notch the whole thing up as a victory for our side.

Stephen Hall (Leigh - UNITE/Amicus Branch & South Lancs Respect Party member)
NWN: This marxist dinosaur from the communist stalinist era was heavily involved in the armed attack on BNP members including Tony Ward.
Has he been arrested yet ?
We don't think so.
The police will not be interested.
Hall lives in the area known as 'the bongs' where the only black face is seen on the TV.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Breaking News.........

BNP members attacked by armed blacks in Lancashire, England

There is reason to believe that super activist Tony Ward has been attacked at the Battle For Britain event in Leigh earlier tonight.

Sources reveal that there have been numerous attacks involving claw hammers and knives, with allegedly 40 blacks targeting four BNP members.

The event has been forced to relocate three times already due to difficulties but has gone ahead regardless.

More updates as things progress.

(taken from Stormfront site)

NWN: Maybe the new BNP will need the 'dinosaurs' before long !

Griffin has conned the newer BNP members into believing that they are nothing more than tories.

Griffins new BNP is comprised of old people.Griffin has destroyed any possibility of young people coming through.

Britains enemies are ugly and they are vicious.

Searchlights Maurice Ludmer said "If they receive broken bones, that will stop them recruiting."

We fear that there will be even more of this, and the police will do nothing.
Or maybe the police will not, 'do nothing', ................they will attack nationalists for their Labour party paymasters !

Earlier, the famous Liverpool BNP A-frame trailer and Land Rover was attacked by a group of around 30 Labour Party supporting thugs at one of the alternative venues. The Land Rover had every window and light smashed out, and every panel of the vehicle dented.

The A-frame itself was overturned and the skins damaged. When the BNP members got out of the vehicle to defend themselves, they were violently attacked by the racially mixed group of Labour Party thugs. Liverpool activist Tony Ward was stuck twice by a claw hammer wielded by a black thug. He was hit once in the eye and once on the head.

Mr Ward was knocked unconscious and picked up by fellow BNP activist Andrew Tierney, who dragged him to safety. Mr Ward was later removed by a third BNP man in his vehicle.
The A-frame was righted, and the BNP men left the scene. During this violent assault, the police were nowhere to be seen — they were far too busy visiting the next venue where they thought the BNP was holding the road show so they could intimidate that owner as well.
Mr Ward received eleven stitches later in hospital.

“If the Labour Party thinks they can break us with their street thugs, they are wrong,” Mr Ward told BNP News. “We are back, stronger than ever before, and we will not stop until we have rescued this country from the immigration invasion and Islamification nightmare to which the Tories and Labour have subjected us.”

BNP member attacked with hammer

Violence broke out in Leigh where a BNP event was being held
A British National Party (BNP) member was attacked with a hammer when protesters arrived at a campaign event in Greater Manchester.


BNP man attacked with hammerDavid Ottewell March 14, 2009
A MAN has been arrested after a member of the British National Party was attacked with a hammer by protestors.Dozens of people had surrounded a BNP trailer outside a pub in St Helens Road, Leigh.Police arrived to find the trailer overturned.Tony Ward, 48 - a member of the BNP - was hit on the head with a hammer. He was taken to hospital for treatment. Police said he was not seriously hurt.A 25-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm.
A spokesman for GMP said officers had been called after reports of a fight.
St Helens Road had been closed for about an hour and diversions put in place, he added.The clashes came after the BNP was forced to cancel a meeting in the town at the last minute. The party had planned to hold an event in the Pure Club last night featuring a speech by leader Nick Griffin.

Veteran BNP activist attacked with hammer

A veteran British National Party activist from Liverpool has been attacked with a hammer as the far right party were about to hold a fundraising meeting in Greater Manchester.
Tony Ward, 48, was with fellow BNP members outside a pub in Leigh, when he was attacked.The BNP members were with a party trailer outside the Ellesmere Pub, on St Helens Road, when Mr Ward was attacked with a hammer.

Party spokesman Dave Jones said:

"A group of about 25 to 40 turned up armed with various weapons, bats, knives, and attacked about half a dozen of our people. They had obviously gone there to disrupt the meeting and attack people."

Poor Tony is a long-time activist and isn't some young football thug. It was sinister they were so organised and had turned up to attack people rather than just demonstrated peacefully."


BNP Activist Is Attacked With Claw Hammer


Friday, March 13, 2009

Latest BNP e-bulletin;


Well done to all those who took the time and effort to send in a complaint against the fascist behaviour of P.C. Liptrott after our appeal in the last BNP eNews.
This morning we received confirmation from Greater Manchester Police that they were going to investigate the matter.

Shortly afterwards, however, what can only be described as a coordinated campaign by several different police forces across the North West unfolded against the owners of the backup venues of our Euro Election fundraising meetings.

In several different towns and cities the owners of these venues allegedly received visits by the police who pressured them to cancel. What an outrage!

The idea is obviously to interfere with the fundraising efforts for our Euro Election campaign and leave ourselves unable to pay for the millions of leaflets due to be printed and distributed.

The latest BNP bulletin

We have now discovered that the police officer responsible for the cancellation of the Lancashire Battle for Britain Road Show was one P.C. Ian Liptrot from the Licencing Department at Wigan Police Station (Greater Manchester Police).
This bullying little politically correct fascist threatened the owner of the Pure Nightclub in Leigh with the loss of his licence and a taxi contract if he allowed the event to go ahead. This threat is of course totally illegal and utterly groundless, but worried about his business and the jobs of his staff in these hard times, the club owner reluctantly agreed to cancel the event.

Although we were able to find a last minute replacement venue, we are not going to take this lying down!

You can help by complaining to Greater Manchester Police! Ask them to confirm that the police have no right to try to bully private businesses into breaking contracts, that the BNP is as entitled as any other political party to hold meetings and fund-raising events and that far from trying to stop such events the police in fact have a legal obligation to take steps to guarantee our right to express and impart our political views.

Demand an investigation into and disciplinary action over P.C. Litrott's actions, and a formal apology from Wigan police to the venue owner and the BNP.



BNP meeting cancelled

A British National Party meeting in Leigh has been cancelled at the 11th hour.

BNP activists today alleged that the owner of the Pure Club in the town had been threatened by police with losing his licence and taxi contract if he went along with hosting the controversial event this evening (March 13).

But the police say that it was the owner's decision to change his mind, fearing negative publicity and public order trouble for him and other businesses.

The BNP said this morning that it had found an alternative venue for its rally but would not disclose where it was. The original venue for the party's Battle of Britain Roadshow in West Bridgewater Street was to have seen the BNP leader Nick Griffin giving a speech.

BNP newsletters had widely advertised the event internally, but when challenged by reporters the BNP refused to confirm or deny where (or indeed if) the meeting would take place at the Pure Club (formerly Dee Jays), in Leigh. Owner Dave Rowlands had confirmed that he had been approached earlier this month by the BNP to stage the rally. But Mr Rowlands, who also runs a taxi firm in the town, said then: "The club is currently closed for refurbishment , so nobody, not the just the BNP or their protesters, nobody can use it."

However anti-fascist protesters are pledging to stage their own peaceful demonstration outside the club despite the denials. And a statement issued by the BNP today named a Wigan borough police officer as the person who had put pressure on Mr Rowlands to withdraw his hospitality. It added: "This bullying little politically correct fascist threatened the owner of the Pure Nightclub in Leigh with the loss of his licence and a taxi contract if he allowed the event to go ahead. "

This threat is of course totally illegal and utterly groundless, but worried about his business and the jobs of his staff in these hard times, the club owner reluctantly agreed to cancel the event."

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Natwest Scamming the poor

If you bank with the Natwest please check your recent statements.

Natwest are now charging customers £30 per month to have a bank account with them.
Collett and Hannam film footage

The link below shows some of the footage taken on a mobile phone by girls said to be 14 years old. Also at the link you will see the letter sent out by Scott Mclean the then deputy leader of the BNP to discipline Collett and Hannam.


Lock up your daughters. Collett and Hannam are desperate perverts.

Foreigners still taking British jobs

Foreign IT workers still flood into UK despite job losses, figures reveal

Thousands of UK job losses in IT coincided with a massive influx of IT workers from outside the European Union in 2008, figures have revealed.

The Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo) got the data from the Home Office through a freedom of information request.

Over 35,000 UK work permits were issued to non-EU IT workers in 2008 compared with about 13,000 in 2000 at the peak of the dot.com boom.

The biggest number of foreign IT workers in 2008 came to the UK from India, the US and China.

APSCo said the government's immigration points system was failing to restrict non-European workers to those with the most sought after skills.

Despite job losses, the UK is still allowing three times as many non-EU IT workers into the UK than during the dot.com boom when there was a chronic skills shortage.

"A few years ago this may have been overlooked, but with IT jobs much scarcer, this is now a contentious issue," said Ann Swain, chief executive of APSCo.

Government should consider making companies advertise vacancies in the UK before bringing in workers on intra-company transfers, she said.

Such transfers account for more than 80% of non-EU IT workers coming in to the UK and there is no requirement for companies to advertise jobs locally first.

UK economy set for worst year since 1931 as output collapses

Such a result would rank as the country's worst year for economic growth since 1931 – which saw a fall in excess of 5 per cent, the collapse of a Labour government and ushered in a miserable decade of mass unemployment and hunger. A 4 per cent slide would easily beat the post-war record of a 2.1 per cent slump, set in 1980.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Royal Anglian Parade Luton, Muslim protesters sent off


Muslims insult our troops in Luton - locals don't seem to like it !

Muslims insult returning British Troops
Muslim extremists hurled abuse at British soldiers during a homecoming procession in Luton today.

About 20 men held up banners and placards reading: "Anglian Soldiers Butchers of Basra", and "Baby killers." The 2nd Battalion of the Royal Anglian Regiment, returning from their second tour in Iraq, encountered the group shouting "Terrorists" and "Anglian Soldiers Go to Hell", outside Luton Town Hall.

As the parade by the 200 soldiers and a military band finished in St George's Square, police forced the protesters into a small area by the Arndale Shopping Centre to keep them apart from a large number of locals, some waving Union and St George's flags and shouting: "Scum" and "No surrender to the Taliban." The two groups yelled insults as police dogs and riot vans were called to the scene.
NWN: This is not on !

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Meat Shortages as strike looms

Union bosses are warning of meat supply disruption this Easter, as they ballot for strike action against one of the UK’s largest meat suppliers.

Vion, the Dutch-owned giant, which recently bought the Grampian Food Group for more than £350m, recently announced up to 820 job losses as part of a restructuring exercise.

In a protest over redundancies, the union Unite has balloted 2,300 of Vion’s 14,000 workers in the UK on strike action. Unite claimed a vote in favour of strike action could mean that supplies of meat to supermarkets, including Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury’s and Marks & Spencer (M&S), would be affected in the run-up to the Easter break. However, Rob Smith, head of communications for Vion UK, said: "We will continue to focus on delivering to meet all our customers’ requirements." The job cuts will see 150 go from Vion’s Cambuslang site in Scotland, around 200 jobs are to go at Malton and 470 in Haverhill. The company is proposing to close its abattoir, butchery, and some elements of its retail operations at its Haverhill site and to transfer these operations to the Malton site.. At the same time, Vion is proposing to transfer all cooked meats operations currently based at its Malton site to Haverhill.

The company said the redundancy decision was based on a business review, following the purchase of the Grampian business. A further potential 50 job cuts have also been announced from the Welsh Country Food site in Anglesey, which the company said was reorganising to reflect changes in consumer demand.

Unite accused Vion of refusing to even discuss the job losses, or slow down the process to allow it to carry out negotiations with the union. It said the company had only given workers at Welsh Country Foods just 30 days’ notice of dismissal, and it accused Vion of being "opportunistic" in the face of the credit crunch. Unite’s joint general secretary Tony Woodley said:

"We believe Vion’s tactics have been appalling and underhand. This firm wants 900 loyal members of staff out of the door before they have time to think. They will not even discuss these job cuts on a national basis with the union. It’s madness to try to make cuts across a number of sites without national discussions."

Smith added:

"We’re aware of Unite balloting its members at Vion sites. That membership counts for 15% of our workforce. At this stage, it would be premature to comment until we’ve seen the outcome of that ballot. We remain committed to working with and communicating with our employees and their elected representatives, and remain committed to the consultation process."

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Why is Steve Batkin not on the West Midlands BNP list ?

We at NWN are receiving e-mails from BNP folk asking just why the West Midlands BNP list is headed by Simon 'Dodgy' Darby, who lives in Wales.

Darby is a rather strange individual who was a close friend of an MI5 agent, Andy Carmichael .

Everything about Darby is 'phoney'.

Darby has also been promoted to the 'second in command' position by Nick Griffin himself, above the then Deputy Chairman, Scott McClean .

Of course, Steve Batkin has been elected as a Councillor for the Stoke on Trent area on more than one occasion. The people of Stoke like the fellow, and this will just not do !

Winning elections will 'just not do' for Nick Griffin.

Mr. Griffin is in fact a liability, as far as elections are concerned, having trashed numerous previously strong BNP areas.

Mr.Griffins remit, we contend, is to trash the nationalist movement in the UK.

Since he hijacked the BNP in 1999, he has done a good job. But it's his 'behind the scenes' backers who have been succesful, not Mr. Griffin.

  Armed Forces veterans combine in first joint demo and campaign with the farmers against this Labour government The Armed Forces veterans a...