Sunday, November 02, 2008

Unions call for right to expel BNP members

Fear of election gains sparks a bid to alter the law

Trade unions want the right under UK law to expel British National Party activists - and deny them membership - as part of Labour plans to check the electoral advance of the far right.
Labour backbenchers, supported by all the biggest unions, will unveil the plan on Tuesday when they put forward an amendment to the Employment Bill that would allow them to ban racists. The proposal - labelled 'Stalinist' by the BNP - comes amid concern that it could win as many as three seats in next year's European Parliament elections and make strong gains in council elections.
Labour MPs, many of whom feel threatened by the BNP's advances in their constituencies, are concerned that the party is encouraging activists to infiltrate unions in order to spread subversive, racist messages in the workplace.
Tony Lloyd, chairman of the trades union group of Labour MPs who has tabled the amendment, said it was vital that unions had the right to get rid of people working directly against their aims: 'What the unions are absolutely right to demand is the right to kick racists out of their organisations.'
Until now unions have had to work under a legal framework set down under the Thatcher government in the early 1990s which prevented them from excluding people because of their membership of a particular political party. The Tory rules were seen at the time as a ploy to prevent unions from excluding or expelling those who broke strikes or were Conservative party members.
But the government has to bring UK law into line with European law after Aslef, the train drivers' union, won a landmark case in the European Court of Human Rights which upheld its right to expel a driver who was a BNP activist.
A spokesman for Thompsons solicitors, the trades union law firm, said: 'The amendment would mean a union could expel or deny membership to someone whose membership of a political party runs contrary to the union's rule book.'
The BNP has 10,000 members across Britain and 46 councillors. Labour is worried that under the proportional representation system that will be used in European parliamentary elections next June it could secure seats in three of the 12 regions.
Experts say that, under the list system, the BNP would need as little as 7.5 per cent of the vote in northwest England and only 11 per cent in Yorkshire and the West Midlands to install Euro-MPs in the Brussels and Strasbourg parliament. Labour also fears the BNP could become the largest party in two councils - Barking and Dagenham in Essex and Stoke-on-Trent - in next year's council elections if its anti-foreigner rhetoric struck a chord during the recession.

The above is a serious issue, and the BNP are right, it's Stalinist. Britain is supposed to be a democratic country, and not a country who changes laws and shifts goal posts because they dislike the opinions of others.

If you would like to debate this issue further come and join us.

NWN, is pleased to announce the launch of its own forum ‘Nationalists Online’
If you’re tired of the censorship on, Stormfront, and can't speak your mind on the BNP forum, click the link.


Anonymous said...

These Marxist union bastards know that in the past it has cost them a lot in legal fees to expel racial nationalists from their ranks. In Jay Lee's case they had to pay tens of thousands to solicitors and (£400 a hour) barristers. Now they want to change the law so that it will cost them nothing so that they can keep their members' sub in order to piss it up the wall!!!

Anonymous said...

Getting around this is easy. Nationalists who wish to be union members can just vote BNP, they don't need to be BNP members. No one can oust you from anything for voting, and when that day comes we'll raise parliament to the ground with everyone in it.

Anonymous said...

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Most Trades Union members are still not aware that they can opt out of their "Political levy" That funds the Labour Party.
A campaign to educate them is long overdue.

Anonymous said...

Will the same legislation allow one to set up a trade union that prohibits members of Labour from joining?

Anonymous said...

Will the same legislation allow one to set up a trade union that prohibits members of Labour from joining?

04 November 2008 11:23

Yes :) It also stretches to political parties, and is why we should support this amendment. The unions may think they're protected, but it actually protects all our organisations from outsiders :)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Yes :) It also stretches to political parties, and is why we should support this amendment. The unions may think they're protected, but it actually protects all our organisations from outsiders :)

So it could turn out to be a blessing in disguise. The long term effect of the legislation might result in trade unions being aligned with political parties rather than occupations. I believe this is the case in some European countries. The existing trade unions aligned with Labour will also see their membership shrink down to those who genuinely support Labour.

Anonymous said...

The undemocratic nature of this proposal is clear to all reasonable people. It is, however, no longer an issue. Nationalists have their own Trade Union, Solidarity. Though your forum has sometimes criticised it Solidarity has continued with the bread and butter work of representation. The Union has made it clear that it accepts people from all political backgrounds. Nationalists should leave the establishment Unions and help build the alternative. Why do they want to be in the establishment Unions anyway?

  Sinn Fein are traitors !   - Dublin demo.