Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Baby named after chip shop -

Taylors Fish and chip shop Ricci ?

WHEN it comes to naming new babies, many parents are influenced by relatives or favourite celebrities, but one Stockport tot has a more unusual namesake.

Eleven-month-old Taylor is named after her mum's favourite chip shop, which she visited every day during pregnancy to satisfy her cravings for chips and curry.

Clare Ricci, 21 of Bredbury was hooked on meals from Taylor's Fish and Chip Shop in Woodley throughout her pregnancy and so when her daughter was born, Clare and partner James Cormley decided there was only one name for her.

Ms Ricci said: "My mum kept saying the baby was going to end up looking like chips and curry. It's quite a story for Taylor to tell her kids and grandkids. My family and friends weren't surprised at our choice as they knew I lived off the chips."

As Taylor is now on solid foods, inevitably she has taken a liking to{hellip}mashed-up chips and curry!
Anne Wallace, proprietor of Taylor's said everyone who works at the shop is very flattered at the honour and added: "It's quite a thing to have a baby named after us. It's unbelievable. Taylor has been coming in and she's a lovely little thing. We may even give her a job when she's older!"

Unusual baby names are becoming increasingly popular, with many new parents taking influence from the likes of Brooklyn Beckham and Gwyneth Paltrow's daughter Apple.

Urban myths of a baby named after Swedish furniture store Ikea turned out to be true and a jaundiced baby was named after yellow Tellytubby Laa Laa.

NWN : Hence, major reasons why this Country is in the state it is with idiots like this .

1 comment:

Graeme said...

It looks as though the name was Taylor-made!!!!!

  A new book about Jonathan Bowden has been published.