Saturday, August 12, 2006

ASDA selling Nazi wartime propaganda

I couldn't believe it !

Dr.Goebbels jazz orchestra.

ASDA/WALMART are selling music by CHARLIE & HIS ORCHESTRA on their website.

They are not the only big company selling these DVD's, just put 'Charlie and his Orchestra' into GOOGLE, and you will see quite a few.

These are recordings made under Dr.Goebbels, the Nazi Propaganda minister 's directions. They are actually quite funny recordings. You can also get these recordings for free off the web. Copyright is probably still held by Dr. Goebbels you see, so there are no legal problems.

You can download the MP3's free from here for Charlie and his Orchestra.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wartime recordings from the Berlin Philharmonic

Furtwangler Conducts Beethoven - Beethoven: symphonies no 3,4,5, & 9


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