Wednesday, November 24, 2021


 An Archbishop issues a 'Call to Arms' against this 'coup' to make a 'World Government' and who are using 'Covid' to enable that dream by a Globalist Elite. - Archbishop Vigano .

Sunday, November 21, 2021

 How the once mighty 'National Front' has fallen ? Dearie me !

 A very belated acknowledgement - JOHN P WINCH -  Rocky River, Ohio, USA.

April 29, 1928- October 15, 1997, 69 years old.

When the BNP was building in strength in the very turbulent and busy early 1990's. We in the UK had cause to thank men like John in the USA. We strongly suspect that John had a link to the UK ?

Every week without fail, and sometimes more than once a week. We had parcels delivered to our North West BNP P.O. Box . These parcels contained books and magazines, which we used to educate and sell on to raise funds.

We also had a number of Fax machines donated nationwide to BNP regions in the 1990's, which we also understand to have been due to some help from the USA.

These many parcels ceased in around late 1997. Now we know why.

John P.Winch was a member of the US 'National Alliance' - this organisation was founded and led by Dr.William Pierce .

Dr.William Pierce.

What came later in the North West region of the BNP, all the huge votes and many councillors and MEP's elected, was partly helped by Mr.Winch and his unceasing generosity. Though he sadly didn't live long enough to see that. RIP -John P.Winch.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Friday, November 19, 2021

 Putin warns the 'West' about what they call 'wokeness' . 'Wokeness' is another name for communism, and Vlad Putin knows all about that ! Heed his message.

NWN: It was also tried in Weimar Germany.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

 Dennis Hutchings funeral in Plymouth,  11th November, 2021 .

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

 Those 'rascals' in Glasgow have a sense of humour !  Greta Thunberg is a 'bawbag' !

Sunday, November 07, 2021

 This will be a 'live link' for the funeral of Dennis Hutchings on Thursday, 11th November, in Plymouth.

Saturday, November 06, 2021

 We must prepare for an angrier world - Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum. Once again, Schwab predicts the future ! Funny that ?

Tuesday, November 02, 2021

 Top IRA man bomber and killer, Gerry Kelly, has got some nerve !

Monday, November 01, 2021

 Neil Olivers' critique of COP 26 and the 'covid' nonsense . It takes a very brave man to call out the 'globalists' today, and Neil Oliver is certainly that, and a very educated man.

  A new book about Jonathan Bowden has been published.