Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Illegal immigrants being moved to Penally army camp in Wales. - local residents protest !


"I went to Penally army camp on Monday night as a freelance photographer to cover the protests against immigrants being brought into the camp to be housed, the pics were sent to the press but due to a cock up didn't get put out, so here they are for you all to have a look at".




Also see this link;

 That arse Nick Griffin emerges AGAIN !


Beyond a joke: Nick Griffin’s latest reinvention

Nick Griffin (above left) with his latest flag of convenience

Former BNP chairman Nick Griffin has in typically shameless fashion begun yet another reinvention.

Just seven months ago Griffin was guest speaker at a memorial rally in Dresden to mark the 75th anniversary of the city’s terror bombing by British and American air forces in February 1945.

As he had done when picketing Coventry Cathedral in 1996, Griffin was posing in Dresden as a ‘radical’ nationalist condemning wartime prime minister Winston Churchill and his Bomber Command chief Sir Arthur ‘Bomber’ Harris as war criminals.

A decade or so ago Griffin played a very different tune, losing no opportunity to associate himself with Churchillian and wartime images and stating in one video that his version of the BNP would have welcomed Churchill “with open arms” had he been alive today.

In recent years Griffin has again cynically toyed with the sort of anti-Zionist ‘radicalism’ that he embraced in the 1980s and early 1990s, but now it’s back to sub-Churchillian posturing.

The new context is that Griffin is joining the British Freedom Party, whose main organiser is his close business adviser Jim Dowson and whose leader (for the time being) is Jayda Fransen, formerly Paul Golding’s right-hand woman in the Islam-obsessed ‘Britain First’.

Ms Fransen has appointed Griffin as editor of the BFP’s newspaper The Britannia which practically worships Churchill and eagerly promotes every facet of Second World War mythology.

The sad thing is that Ms Fransen seems sincere if deluded: it’s tragic to see her being used as Griffin’s latest dupe.

No doubt Ms Fransen has no memory of the last time a political leader appointed Griffin as (deputy) editor of a nationalist journal. We can give her a clue – it didn’t end well for the leader concerned!

Griffin’s previous sub-Churchillian posturing was in 2009, though before and since that episode he portrayed Churchill and his wartime allies as criminals – now it’s time for yet another somersault .
NWN :  Nick Gri££in must be in dire need of other peoples money again ?  This charlatan just won't go away for good will he ? And the gullibility of people who fall for his fake affability is seemingly endless. Nick Griffin, the turd that will not flush away ! They'd better be prepared to be 'screwed over' by Griffin, and there will be a LOT of 'in-fighting' that will occur wherever he is.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Lenin's Jewish roots

The left-wing of the Labour party could learn some lessons from Lenin's family history, says Victor Sebestyn

A Soviet propaganda poster featuring Lenin
A Soviet propaganda poster featuring Lenin Photo: Getty Images

This is a note to the radical Leftists close to Jeremy Corbyn in the Labour Party as they mark — or should it be celebrate — the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution.

The resurgent Leninists in the Party — no names, no pack drill, but I think we have an idea who they are — may not know the recently rediscovered story of Lenin’s antecedents. The Soviets censored all mention of it for 70 years, mainly because of deep rooted antisemitism in Russia, but the leader of the Revolution and the founder of the USSR, was many parts Jewish, through his mother.

The facts came to light only after the Soviet Union collapsed and Communist Party archives recently opened. Even then, though, Russian historians kept quiet about the information; it was left to Western biographers, to piece together the various fragments of the story, as I did in my book Lenin the Dictator: An Intimate Portrait, published earlier this year.

The grandfather of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov — he began to take the pseudonym Lenin when he was around 30 — was born Sril Moiseyevich (Israel Moses) Blank in Odessa in the early 1800s. Like so many ambitious young men in the Tsarist empire, while studying medicine in his early twenties he converted to Russian Orthodoxy and changed his first name and patronymic to Alexander Dimitreyevich. He travelled widely in Europe after qualifying as a doctor and he married the daughter of a wealthy German merchant, Anna Groschopf. She was a Protestant and their children were brought up as Christians. Eventually he achieved a high enough rank in the Civil Service to qualify as Noble status, which, under the Romanovs, he never could have done as a Jew. The evidence suggests that Lenin’s mother, Maria Alexandrovna, knew about her background but never mentioned it, even to her husband or children.

Lenin was almost certainly unaware of his part Jewish ancestry. His older sister Anna discovered a piece of the story in her thirties when she went to Switzerland and met a family called Blank. She was told that nearly all Swiss by that name were likely to be Jews. Then she found that a silver cup — a Blank family heirloom that had come from her mother — was the kind typically used for Jewish festivals. By her own admission, she never spoke of it to her brother Vladimir.

Soon after Lenin died in 1924 Anna was asked by the Lenin Institute, established to preserve his “legacy”, to write a definitive history of the Ulyanov family. She did a thorough job and found out details about her grandfather that were entirely new to her. She didn’t mention her work to anyone outside the family for many years.

But in 1932, shortly before her own death, she wrote to Stalin and revealed her findings. She went to his office in the Kremlin and handed the letter to him. “It’s probably no secret to you that our research on our grandfather shows that he came from a poor Jewish family,” she told him. The letter only came to light a few years ago. Publishing the facts, she said, “could help to combat antisemitism…Vladimir Ilyich always valued Jews highly and was always persuaded of their exceptional abilities.” Stalin responded immediately, ordering her “Absolutely not one word about this letter to anyone.” Stalin was a rabid Jew hater and probably felt viscerally, as well as calculated politically, that it would not have helped the Communist cause amongst Russians if it had been revealed that the founder of the Soviet state had Jewish roots.

If Lenin had known, he would probably have been relaxed about the revelation. As he once told the writer Maxim Gorky. “We do not have many intelligent people. (Russians) are a talented people. But we are lazy. A bright Russian is nearly always a Jew or a person with an admixture of Jewish blood.’

Lenin was many things — among them a dictator who sent many thousands of people to their deaths — but one thing he can’t be accused of is antisemitism. Many of the leading early Bolsheviks, such as Trotsky, were Jews — though few Jews in the 1900s, or later, were Bolsheviks. In the bloody Russian Civil War from 1918-1921, in which around six million people died, there were many cases of pogroms by the White Russian armies, who routinely slaughtered Jews in towns and villages from the Crimea to Siberia. In one night nearly a thousand Jews were butchered by bayonets in Kiev.

There were a few isolated cases of atrocities by the Reds. When Lenin heard about them he was apoplectic with rage and ordered a full investigation. He was the first Russian leader to speak out against antisemitism, though he knew that probably it would do the Bolshevik cause little good.

In 1921 he made 16 three minute propaganda gramophone records to be played in villages and town halls throughout the fledgling USSR.

He chose as the subject of one of them On Pogroms and the Persecution of the Jews. I would commend them to Mr Corbyn as the row over antisemitism in the Labour Party a century later rumbles on. With a minor tweak to update the context for today some Labour voters, especially younger ones, might want him to say something like Lenin did. “It is not the Jews who are the workers’ enemies. It is the capitalists of all the countries. The great majority of Jews are themselves workers… They are our brothers being oppressed by the capitalists, our comrades in the struggle for socialism. The Jews have their kulaks, their exploiters and their capitalists, just like the Russians. Just like all nations…It is the capitalists who inflame hatred against the Jews.”


Victor Sebestyen is the author of Lenin the Dictator: An Intimate Portrait (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, £25)

 NWN : Of course most real nationalists have known this about Lenin for a long while. But the MSM have avoided this fact or even told lies about it.

We are sure Comrade Corbyn is a 'Zionist' and not a 'jew hater' like the Zionist MSM portray. They just don't get it do they ?

Monday, September 21, 2020

 The very first Mosque built in the UK and Northern Europe - paid for and built by a Jew !




History of the Mosque - Part 1

The mosque was actually built by an orientalist named Dr Gottlieb Wilhelm Leitner. He was born of Jewish parents in Pest, Hungary.

His father died young and his mother moved to Istanbul where she re-married a Jew who had converted to Christianity and was working with a Protestant Missionary Society in the Levant.

For reasons that are not clear Leitner studied at madrassah schools attached to the mosques in Istanbul, and by his own account memorised large portions of the Quran. By the age of 15 he could speak 8 languages fluently including Turkish, Persian, Arabic and most European languages. On account of this he was employed as Interpreter First Class by the British High Commission in Istanbul, a position that carried the rank of full colonel.

'Quilliams Liverpool mosque pre-dates Woking by a few months, but the Shah Jahan has the honour of being the first purpose built mosque in Europe outside of Muslim Spain.'

Dr Leitner came to England aged 17 and took a degree at Kings College London, by which time it is said he could speak 15 languages. After his degree he was appointed lecturer aged 19 and by the age of 21 was professor at the same college, in Arabic and Muhammadan Law. At the age of 24 he took up the post of Principle of the Government College Lahore, later the University of the Punjab. He spent most of his working life there, published journals and established libraries and educational institutes. He also befriended many notables.

He returned to England with the express purpose of establishing here an Oriental Institute. His search for suitable premises brought him to Woking, at that time a very under developed commuter town 30 miles from London. He purchased what had been the Royal Dramatic College, a large Victorian building in extensive grounds that had been built as a retirement home for retired actors. This project had not been successful but the building was ideal for Leitner's purposes. Here in 1883 he established his Oriental Institute and with a donation from the Begum Shah Jahan, the Nawab Begum of the princely state of Bhopal, built England's first mosque in 1889.

The purpose of the Institute was to enable visiting dignitaries from India to stay and study in culturally sympathetic surroundings. It also enabled Europeans being posted to India to learn the language and culture.

By the time of Leitner's death in 1899 the Institute was awarding degrees through its affiliation to the University of the Punjab. After his death the Institute closed down and was sold and the mosque fell into disuse. Although there is no clearly documented evidence that he himself accepted Islam he was none the less an active sympathiser and supporter.,_Woking



Leitner, at the age of 21, whilst a professor at King's College, London. Taken from the Strand Magazine, 1894.

Leitner, at the age of 26, dressed in native costume whilst exploring Dardistan. Taken from the Strand Magazine, 1894.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

 Oi veh ! The jewish witch is dead !


Now this and her co-religionists have and are destroying the Western World. 

There was a satirical article in the German  magazine ' Simplicissimus'  with a cartoon from over 100 years ago.

The image showed a Doctor giving a young child 'medicine'. The medicine was the then influx of European jews mainly from Russia. And stating the 'cure' was far worse than the 'ill'. 

The .Ruth Ginsbergs of the world. have been an absolute pestilence !


Saturday, September 12, 2020

 Now they want us back there !   Aden/Yemen . And a true British soldier that every 'squaddie' wanted as their Commanding Officer !  - 'MAD MITCH'. Argyles.



Sunday, September 06, 2020

Nearly 50 years ago we were fighting for the UK !

British paratroopers take on Public Order Training in Bosnia

The troops from C Company, 3 PARA, are in Bosnia Herzegovina taking part in Exercise QUICK RESPONSE 2018 as part of EUFOR’s Multinational Battalion, deepening and strengthening working relationships with international partners, and helping ensure a safe and secure environment for the people of the country, in support of local authorities and the Armed Forces.
British paratroopers clad in fire-retardant overalls and bearing riot shields are subjected to an ordeal by fire during realistic public order training at Camp Butmir in Sarajevo.
Soldiers of C Company, 3rd Battalion, The Parachute Regiment (3 PARA), hone their crowd control skills during a simulated disturbance at Camp Butmir, Sarajevo, as part of Ex QUICK RESPONSE 2018, a major multinational readiness exercise seeing the British paratroopers train alongside their Austrian, Hungarian and Turkish partners in @EUFOR’s Multinational Battalion. The Paras will conduct a number of challenging and realistic training serials at locations across Bosnia and Herzegovina as part of the exercise, enhancing their ability to work alongside international allies and helping EUFOR ensure safety and security in this key strategic region.

As part of the realistic and challenging training package, soldiers wearing fire retardant overalls, balaclavas and helmets, and bearing protective shields, faced petrol bomb-wielding instructors posing as rioters, testing both their public order skills and their ability to apply them under pressure. The men of C Company are in Bosnia Herzegovina helping to ensure a safe and secure environment for the people of the country, in support of local authorities and the Armed Forces, working closely with their Austrian, Hungarian and Turkish counterparts.
seeing the petrol bomb come at you, and "bang!" it's on your feet Private Tamas Borzak
Private Tamas Borzak, of 8 Platoon, C Company, 3 PARA, talks about undergoing "fire inoculation" during public order training at Camp Butmir, Sarajevo. "The fire inoculation, I can imagine civvies back home if they were to do it they'd probably take some baby steps backwards as the Molotovs were coming at you. But it's good to see the blokes standing firm, going straight through it, seeing the petrol bomb come at you, and "bang!" it's on your feet, and everyone just does the drills and gets their head like that, 'cos you can see that they're really trying to concentrate and get the drills correct, otherwise you will get hurt. But we're Reg, we do the job right, we're professional soldiers."
The Parachute Regiment is the airborne infantry regiment of the British Army. Paratroopers are trained to conduct a range of missions, from prevention and pre-emption tasks, to complex, high intensity war fighting. Watchwords are professionalism, resilience, discipline, versatility, courage and self-reliance.,in%20this%20key%20strategic%20region

NWN : Now surely this is unlawful ? 

Friday, September 04, 2020

All lives matter ?  Apparently not !

 Black shoots innocent Whites        White couple attempts to buy a car online. Black shows up with a car. They find out it is stolen. So, the Black shoots them–You Tube. They had 5 children. This has received no MSM attention. If it were not for the conservative twitter accounts we would not know about this

  A new book about Jonathan Bowden has been published.