Saturday, August 31, 2019

Peter Mandelson and Jeffrey Epstein: Ex-Labour minister shopping with depraved financier
EXCLUSIVE: Two middle-aged holidaymakers walk into a fashion boutique in one of those exotic millionaire's playgrounds where the sun always shines and endless palm trees sway in the afternoon breeze. One is Jeffrey Epstein, a mysterious financier fond of very young girls, many of whom have for years been systematically exploited and sexually abused in his various luxury homes. The other is Peter Mandelson, the former British Cabinet minister and long-term friend of Epstein's closest chum Ghislaine Maxwell, who was staying on the luxury resort island of St Barts. Epstein (unbeknownst to the world at this point) is under police investigation for numerous ghastly sex offences. Meanwhile, he is doing what he does best: pursuing a Gatsby-esque friendship with a famous and powerful man. Guests who have spent time on his nearby private island Little St James, a stunning, 72-acre patch of the U.S. Virgin Islands, have included a virtual Who’s Who of celebrities — from Bill Clinton to Naomi Campbell, Stephen Hawking and, perhaps most notoriously, our very own Prince Andrew. Pictured: Peter Mandelson tries on a white belt while shopping with Jeffrey Epstein on December 27, 2005, in St. Barts (centre); Mandelson's friend Ghislaine Maxwell (in pink) cuddles Epstein's notorious fixer Jean-Luc Brunel on Little St James (right); Jeffrey Epstein rides a quad bike on holiday on Little St James, he used a quad bike to transport teenage girls (left); Peter Mandelson welcomes Prince Andrew, Duke of York prior to their bilateral meeting 07 June 2007 at the EU Commission's Headquarters in Brussels (inset).

For more on this story read here;

NWN:   Why are so few joining up the dots ?  Mandelson who is a jewish lefty, is a regular 'mate' with the Rothschild family. Rothschilds are linked with Mossad and the bandit state of Israel. Epstein was running this paedophile sex slave operation, where participants were all filmed. Epstein was working for Mossad. Ghislaine Maxwell/Hoch who is the daughter of  Robert Maxwell/Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch born in Czechoslovakia and also worked for Mossad.. All jews and all working for the zionist state of Israel.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Rochdale armed forces veterans demonstrate against IRA sympathiser and marxist Labour MP Tony Lloyd 

 Lloyd is here speaking in a Sinn Fein /IRA meeting in Liverpool on the 25th September 2018.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Patrick Buchanan: China, Not Russia, the Greater Threat

Patrick J. Buchanan
By Patrick J. Buchanan | August 13, 2019 | 6:02 AM EDT 
Protesters oppose Hong Kong police brutality at Queen Elizabeth Hospital on August 13, 2019 in Hong Kong. 
Pro-democracy protesters have continued rallies on the streets of Hong Kong against a controversial extradition bill since 9 June.
Ten weeks of protests, some huge, a few violent, culminated Monday with a shutdown of the Hong Kong airport.

Ominously, Beijing described the violent weekend demonstrations as "deranged" acts that are "the first signs of terrorism," and vowed a merciless crackdown on the perpetrators.
China is being pushed toward a decision it does not want to make: to use military force, as in Tiananmen Square 30 years ago, to crush the uprising. For that would reveal the character of President Xi Jinping's Communist dictatorship, as well as Beijing's long-term plans for this semi-autonomous city of almost 7.5 million.

Yet this is not the only internal or border concern of Xi's regime.
Millions of Muslim Uighurs in China's west are in concentration camps undergoing "re-education" to change their way of thinking on loyalty, secession and the creation of a new East Turkestan.
In June, a Chinese vessel rammed and sank a Philippine fishing boat, leaving its 22 crewmen to drown. The fishermen were rescued by a Vietnamese boat.
President Rodrigo Duterte's reluctance to resist China's fortification in the South China Sea of the rocks and reefs Manila claims are within its own territorial waters has turned Philippine nationalism anti-China.

China's claim to Taiwan is being defied by Taipei, which just bought $2.2 billion in U.S. military equipment including Abrams tanks and Stinger missiles.
Any Taiwanese declaration of independence, China has warned, means war.
While Taiwan's request to buy U.S. F-16s has not yet been approved, in a rare visit, Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen stopped over in the U.S. recently, before traveling on to Caribbean countries that retain diplomatic relations with Taipei. Beijing has expressed its outrage at the U.S. arms sales and Tsai's unofficial visit.

The vaunted Chinese economy is growing, at best, at half the double-digit rate of a decade ago, not enough to create the jobs needed for hundreds of millions in the countryside seeking work.
And talks have been suspended in the U.S.-China trade dispute, at the heart of which, says White House aide Peter Navarro, are Beijing's "seven deadly sins" in dealing with the United States:
China steals our intellectual property via cybertheft, forces U.S. companies in China to transfer technology, hacks our computers, dumps into our markets to put U.S. companies out of business, subsidizes state-owned enterprises to compete with U.S. firms, manipulates its currency, and, despite our protests, ships to the USA the fentanyl drug that has become a major killer of Americans.
Such practices have enabled China to run up annual trade surpluses of $300 billion to $400 billion at our expense, and, says Navarro, have caused the loss of 70,000 factories and 5 million manufacturing jobs in the U.S.

Moreover, China has used the accumulated wealth of its huge trade surpluses to finance its drive for hegemony in Asia and beyond.
With President Donald Trump threatening 10% tariffs on $300 billion more in Chinese exports to the U.S., Xi must decide if he is willing to end his trade-war tactics against the U.S., which have gone on during the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations. If he refuses, will he accept the de-coupling of our two economies?
Only Trump has taken on the Middle Kingdom.

If the American people and Congress are willing to play hardball and accept sacrifices, we can win this face-off. The U.S. buys five times as much from China as we sell to China. The big loser in this confrontation, if we stay the course, will not be the USA.
For three years, the U.S. establishment has not ceased to howl about Russia's theft of emails of the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign.
Yet the greatest cybercrime of the century was Beijing's theft in 2014 of the personnel files of 22 million applicants and employees of the U.S. government, many of them holding top-secret clearances.

Compromised by this theft, said then FBI Director James Comey, was a "treasure trove of information about everybody who has worked for, tried to work for, or works for the United States government."
"A very big deal from a national security ... and counterintelligence perspective," said Comey. And Xi's China, not Putin's Russia, committed the crime. Yet America's elites appear to have forgotten this far graver act of cyberaggresion.
Undeniably, Russia is a rival. But Putin's economy is the size of Italy's while China's economy challenges our own. And China's population is 10 times that of Russia, and four times that of the USA.

Manifestly, China is the greater menace.

Are Americans willing to make the necessary sacrifices to force China to abide by the rules of reciprocal trade?
Or will Trump be forced by political realities to accept the long-term and ruinous relationship we have followed since granting China permanent MFN status in 2001?
This issue is likely to decide the destiny of our relations and the future of Asia, if not the world.

Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of "Nixon's White House Wars: The Battles That Made and Broke a President and Divided America Forever." 

Monday, August 12, 2019

Jeffrey Epstein found dead - a Mossad job ?

Well they probably did it to Robert Maxwell too.

Conspiracies abound...................................................

Thursday, August 08, 2019

Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Stop the witch hunt against Northern Ireland veterans - Liverpool 10th August 2019.

Pier Head , Liverpool - 1pm.

Main speakers : Robin Horsfall - SAS , 1980 Iranian Embassy siege.

                              Dennis Hutchings - Life Guards .

Sunday, August 04, 2019

WTF is this ?  

Deputy Chief Constable of Derbyshire Police, speaking at Whaley Bridge near where their reservoir is in a dangerous condition.

Friday, August 02, 2019

It looks like an organised hacking group is wanting to take NORTHWESTNATIONALISTS down and offline.

It is only Thursday, and almost 30,000 page hits from the USA since Sunday night?

If this blog goes down, it is an enemy attack. 

Why would an organised group want to take this tiny blog down ?

Thursday, August 01, 2019

Please do not shit on the streets in public  - London 2019

Now we are enriched !

Speke, Liverpool. 'Diversity is NOT our strength'  - it is causing chaos, and possibly even worse.