Wednesday, September 29, 2010

After 'Bernie Winters' wins Labour Party leadership contest.....

Brothers at war: As Ed Miliband uses his maiden speech to declare Iraq invasion was wrong, David can't hide his bitterness

David snipes at Harriet Harman during brother's speech

Defeated Miliband will announce if he'll stay on today
Ed Miliband denies he has betrayed his older brother
Ed drops hint on Davids future: 'I don't think you've heard the last of him'

Ed Miliband today fuelled speculation his brother David will quit frontline politics as the issue continued to overshadow his leadership.
The new Labour leader was forced to deny he had 'betrayed' his brother and stolen his crown this morning as he desperately tried to play down the sibling rivalry.
But he said in one interview: 'I certainly don't think you've heard the last of him. I think he's going to make a big contribution in the future.'

After keeping Ed dangling for days, David must declare by this evening whether he will stand in elections for the shadow cabinet or if he will refuse to work in his brother's top team.
He is expected to reject calls from senior party figures, including former Chancellor Alistair Darling, to stay and keep the New Labour flame alive.

Tense moment: How Channel 4 screened the exchange between Mr Miliband and Miss Harman

Shadow cabinet member Peter Hain today said he believed David Miliband will not seek a post in his brother's team.
Mr Hain said: 'It looks like David is going to decide to do something else. If that is the case it will be sad for him and the party but we've got a strong team. We wish him well and we hope he'll be back at some point.'
More...'Red' Ed: I WILL get married and I'm embarrassed my name isn't on birth certificate (and I don't believe in God)
ANDREW PIERCE: How Gordon melted the Queen's heart
QUENTIN LETTS: His brother steamed nicely in the front row
JAN MOIR: Clever girl! A new look without breaking the bank
STEPHEN GLOVER: Red Ed? More like Dead Ed
JAN MOIR: Clever girl! A new look without breaking the bank

The former foreign secretary left Manchester, where the Labour conference is being held, last night and was said to have switched off his mobile phone.
Mr Miliband’s wife Louise is understood to be deeply upset at his treatment by his brother and the party.

His mother, Marion Kozak, is also said to have been distressed by the fractious tone of the contest.
Simmering tensions between the pair erupted yesterday when David was caught denouncing Ed’s crowd-pleasing attack on the Iraq War in his debut speech as leader.

As 40-year-old Ed attempted to turn the page on New Labour by declaring that a ‘new generation’ had taken over and insisting it had been ‘wrong to take Britain to war’, his brother sat stony-faced in the front row.
David, 45, then turned to the party’s deputy leader Harriet Harman, who was applauding enthusiastically, and sniped: ‘You voted for it, why are you clapping?’
A stunned Miss Harman hit back: ‘I’m clapping because he is the leader, and as you know, I’m supporting him.’
David was later seen shaking his head as Ed complained about the nickname said to have been ascribed to him by some of his brother’s supporters - ‘Forrest Gump’, after the dim-witted and innocent character in the Tom Hanks film.

His remarks, picked up by an ITV News camera, undermined attempts by Labour’s high command to paper over the cracks between the brothers turned leadership rivals.
They appeared to end any prospect of David, who was beaten by the narrowest of margins thanks to the votes of the trades unions, staying on.
Ed Miliband insisted today that David would be 'around in one way or another' even if he steps down from frontline politics.
'I know he will make a big contribution to politics in the future and he will have different ways of doing it, either inside the shadow cabinet or outside the shadow cabinet, but I think that is his decision,' he said.

'He has just been through a leadership contest, and a leadership contest he lost. He has got to decide what he wants to do. It is most important that he makes the right decision for himself and his family and a decision he is comfortable with.'

The new leader denied that he had 'betrayed' his older brother, and insisted David did not feel like that either.

Asked if he felt he had stolen his brother's crown, he said: 'It isn't the way I see it because I think it wasn't me, it was the Labour Party that made its decision.'
Pressure: Ed Miliband with partner Justine Thornton arriving at the conference hall yesterday
New leader: Ed Miliband waves to the conference crowd and then embraces his partner Justine Thornton

He did admit he was worried about how his victory had affected his brother. 'I worry always about the effects of any decisions I make on my family because family comes first.

'But I thought it was the right thing to do to stand in this election because I had a distinctive message. Of course I worry about him and my family but I think it was right to stand.'

He stressed that he had 'absolutely' thought through the implications of his standing on his relationship with David and insisted it was strong enough to survive.

David Miliband and wife Louise Shackelton arrive back in London last night
'The biggest obstacle for me standing in this contest was the relationship with David, because I thought long and hard about it.

'But in the end I concluded that if I had something to say which was distinctive, if I felt I would be the best leader of this party, for me not to stand in those circumstances would actually be an abdication of my responsibility, my responsibility to this party, my responsibility to this country and that is why I stood.

'My love for David is very deep, and his for me is too. It has been a difficult time, obviously, but it will withstand this.'

Mr Miliband also defended his blunt condemnation of the decision to invade Iraq, saying: 'The journey begins with humility about our record.'
He insisted he was not being an 'opportunist' by attacking Labour's record and insisted he wasn't trying to 'deny' his associations with the previous government.
It was vital to 'show we understand the reasons we lost trust and Iraq was one of those reasons. I have got to be honest about that as leader of this party,' he said.
Yesterday, the victorious younger Miliband used his conference speech to reject another of his nicknames, ‘Red Ed’, telling critics: ‘Come off it. Let’s start to have a grown-up debate in this country.’

He attempted to distance himself from his union backers by insisting that he will not back ‘waves of irresponsible strikes’ over cuts to public spending.

But he went out of his way to praise the role of unions in society and made a series of Left-wing policy pledges, apparently designed to persuade his anxious party that it has not picked the wrong brother.

He also admitted Labour had made mistakes on a series of issues, including immigration, civil liberties and the economy.
But it was the section on Iraq that prompted his defeated brother to let his mask slip after days of carefully-scripted calls for unity.
In an apparent reference to Tony Blair, Ed said some people had ‘sincerely believed that the world faced a real threat’.
But he went on: ‘I do believe that we were wrong. Wrong to take Britain to war and we need to be honest about that. Wrong because that war was not a last resort, because we did not build sufficient alliances and because we undermined the United Nations.’

David’s irritation at his brother’s stance on Iraq is just one of a series of policy splits which have opened up between Ed and party grandees. In his speech, the new leader emphasised his belief in civil liberties and distanced himself from New Labour’s tough counter-terror plans.

But that immediately put him at odds with Shadow Home Secretary Alan Johnson, who warned: ‘You do not demonstrate your commitment to civil liberties by failing to protect the most important civil liberty of all; the right to be safe on our streets.’

And while Ed backed Justice Secretary Ken Clarke’s call to spare thousands of prisoners from jail, Shadow Justice Secretary Jack Straw denounced that view as ‘madness’.

Read more:

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Communist reds run true to type !
Here is a picture shown on the zionist/communist blogsite Lancaster Unity, literally drooling in their approval of a handful of BNP members getting a 'kicking' in Glasgow last Saturday, the 18th.September 2010. These are typical odds that the reds like, over 10 - 15 to 1 odds.
Thankfully the reds are as naive as the poor BNP victims of this assault, and gloating pics have allowed more serious nationalists to pinpoint the culprits
The sheer hypocrisy of the Lancaster Unity site though through the resident Lesbian writer/liar, Denise, who hails from that multi-culti area of Norfolk/Suffolk, has to be seen to be believed. Here is a taster;

September 21, 2010
Weekend reports - BNP chased out of Glasgow, "gutless" Griffin flees Liverpool
Posted by Denise BNP & SDL chased out of Glasgow

Saturday 18 September saw a hugely successful day of anti-fascist direct action against the racist thugs of the BNP and the Scottish Defence League – both of whom attempted to carry out public activity in Glasgow on the day.

Another of these 'class heroes' apparently hails from that other multi racial melting pot of the Island of Arran. Still, he probably has an excuse for still living in 1936.

What wasn't surprising was how the Police did their usual 'feetdragging' when nationalists need their help. According to many, this area of Glasgow is one of the most highly CCTV'd areas in the UK, and it took the Police over 15 minutes to arrive from round the corner. Then proceed to just stand there and do nothing. No arrests were made - typical British Police 'modus operandi' when it is nationalists on the receiving end ! But if ever the BNP are the culprits, we suffer smashed down doors and the like - the full force of the law as they say.

Hopefully, these naive Griffinite BNPers will lay siege at the Police, and get the services of a Solicitor to pursue the real thugs of the left.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"Guests agreed it was probably the best food ever served at a nationalist gathering." !

And this is the news from the Butler liberal type nationalists who aspire to take over from 'crook' Gri££in as leaders of the BNP. Other pics showed people wearing 'dicky bows', no doubt also wearing the compulsory cummerbunds. A weekend of 'schmoozing' seems to have been enjoyed.

These people who hijacked the BNP under Griffin and now a supposed challenge to Griffins fiefdom see success at holding dinners as being success at politics !

The zionist EDL are having some success at drawing away some people who would take to the streets in 'demos', and these people seem to be having some success at junketing in posh hotels in Yorkshire.

Griffin and Butler have succeeded in getting rid of politics and political activity away from the BNP. Instead of discussing radical politics at their weekend retreat they had a fine display of folk music apparently, availed themselves of the pool and 'had the best food ever served at a nationalist meeting'.

It was a shame to see Richard Edmonds tucking into this fine food.

Meanwhile the British people suffer on under a madness without any nationalist political leadership !

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Gri££in updates his "Attempted Murder" farrago of 1986

Hello, everybody!

Nick Gri££in, Chairman of the British National Party, has updated his 1986 classic.....

– The State / Reactionary Plot Against the National Front’

(regarded by many as the definitive exhibition of political paranoia)

......with a new diatribe of paranoid delusion and self-justification entitled:

– Real Life Studies of Anti-Nationalist Dirty Tricks’

This latest opus is designed to convince naïve newcomers to the nationalist movement in Britain that the blame for the British National Party turning into a political, financial and legal train wreck is not his – even though he has had personal dictatorial control over all aspects of the party’s operation for ten years.

Oh no!

The blame for the catastrophe must be imposed on the Satanic conspiracies of Sonia Gable of Searchlight (who, I am sorry to say, comments accurately on his financial shenanigans) and any number of un-named infiltrators from State security agencies who, working in tandem, were behind such “plots” as to try and prompt an election this August for the leadership of the BNP as provided for (just about) in the party’s constitution.

Just how evil can these conspirators get?

I will not run out the text of Sex, Manipulation, Lies and Subversion here as it is a very long text. I won’t say more about as I don’t want to put people off reading it. I want people to read it at least once so that they can compare it with the contents of his 1986 work Attempted Murder. In fact, I ask everybody to read Attempted Murder first.

Attempted Murder, published as a booklet by a faction of the crumbling National Front in 1986, can be seen at:

Sex, Manipulation, Lies and Subversion, published on the BNP web site last Saturday, can be seen at:

To those able to persevere with a reading of both documents will be struck by their essential similarity.

In 1983 Gri££in, with the support of Andrew Brons, Ian Anderson, Joe Pearce and sundry other members of the NF’s National Directorate seized control of the party by means which, months later, a High Court Judge described as “....unconstitutional....illegal....disgraceful....” This ruling and various court injunctions in my favour were given too late to rescue the NF from ruination.

By 1986 the NF was riven with factional warfare. There were bloody street fights between them. The faction which Gri££in ran (motto: “Long Live Death!” – I kid you not) had control of the party’s Head Office and its administrative and financial affairs became a shambles. Cheque payments for supplies of books and leaflets were cashed but the goods not despatched was just one of myriad complaints, most of which focused on money.

In an attempt the fend off the crisis brought about by his and his associates’ maladministration and dishonesty he brought out the booklet Attempted Murder in order to try and demonstrate that the party was the victim of a conspiracy by (among others!) State security agencies and the Post Office....and, of course, members of the faction which opposed his little crew of International Third Position nut-cases led by the Italian crook Roberto Fiore, (with whom Gri££in and his family are still in business relationships which involve the importation of Afro-Asian “students” into Britain!)

This inane – insane – propaganda ploy failed and within another year or so the NF finally succumbed to all that the loonies had inflicted on it, and died. The group which nowadays parades about using the name “National Front” is not a legitimate continuance of the original party and has policies and a constitution considerably different from the original party.

I will not attempt to summarise Attempted Murder beyond what I have said above, other than to ask those who read it to look out for Gri££in’s vituperations against his then factional opponents, and then reflect on how many of these “poisonous subversives” of 1986 are now “valued close colleagues” of 2010! (See what Gri££in has to say about his current best mate Martin Wingfield, for example!)

Having read Attempted Murder, and come up for air, you should then turn to Gri££in’s August 2010 screed Sex, Manipulation, Lies and Subversion. You will find yourself of familiar ground.

The BNP is crumbling politically, administratively, financially and legally as a result of his decade long maladministration. The keys to the collapse are improper and dishonest maladministration of the party’s financial affairs and cowardice and surrender in the face of the legal challenge by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC).

What is Gri££in’s response to the situation – other than to send out almost daily begging letters and e-mails to people who have already given till it hurts?

His response is to devise a long turgid text designed to show that all the trouble the party faces is not down to him, the dictator of the party since 1999, but down to the machinations of Sonia Gable, State security agents and senior members of the party who have either infiltrated the party as enemies from the outset, or who have been suborned.

How Gri££in has had the time to churn out such self-serving paranoid drivel when his party is facing crisis on a number of fronts, all of which require the attention of a proper leader, is proof enough of this man’s lack of balance and sense of proportion.

The time is soon coming when the men with the flapping white coats and a secure van will be calling at a certain farmhouse in Wales. Will they precede the bailiffs?

Martin Webster.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Nick Griffin going to jail ?

We don't think so.
The 'establishment' need Griffin in his position so that British nationalism never gets anywhere.
There have been several reasons for Griffin to go to jail in the past, but he has never been chased by the authorities. The 'free speech trial' was a sham to cement Griffin in power and which gave him massive free publicity.There was no way that Griffin was going to do time in that Court case.
This is either another Griffin scam for money. Or the 'state' realise that Griffin is losing his grip on the nationalist scene, and needs a boost to his credibility.
The establishment fear a real contender rises as leader of radical British nationalism and Griffin is certainly not feared by the state, but neither is Butler.

  A new book about Jonathan Bowden has been published.